I will go farther than Glenn did on that interview: Geoff Tate might as well have been quoted as Mortimer Snerd. Those words I can guarandamtee you were Susan's coming out of Geoff's mouth. It has long been known that Susan had a weird control over Geoff, and the only way to deal with the finances of QR was to blow her up. I also agree with Glenn that the band should clam up and let Susan and Geoff say to the press, "I'm and asshole, I'm an asshole, and furthermore, I'm and asshole,"
Those things said, I have a feeling that the upcoming lawsuit is going to be as ugly as the suit within Gorgoroth. There is going to be a lot of shit flying in that courtroom. And, I will go this far: I have a feeling that Susan and Geoff might have been skimming from the band. If that is the case, do not be surprised that Geoff will do a live CD called, "Geoff Tate, Live from Allenwood, Block C".