OSA Triumvir
- Oct 21, 2005
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I am reading the legal documents as I speak. The popcorn with melted garlic and onion butter tastes great with a bottle of Pepsi MAX is going great with this reading. 

Ex-DREAM THEATER drummer Mike Portnoy, who was involved in a messy split with
his former bandmates less than two years ago, has taken to Twitter to comment on
the legal battle between QUEENSRŸCHE and the Seattle progressive rock band's
ex-singer, Geoff Tate, over the rights to the group's name.
After apparently checking out some of the latest BLABBERMOUTH.NET articles on
the ongoing QUEENSRŸCHE saga, Portnoy wrote, "WOW!!! What a read... This QR
split makes my DT split look like a walk in the park! Wow..."
Portnoy and Tate engaged in a minor public feud in 2006 over Tate's alleged
"bashing" of DREAM THEATER following the two bands' co-headlining tour in the
summer of 2003. (See previous BLABBERMOUTH.NET stories: Story#1, Story#2,
Story#3.) The two progressive hard rock giants had originally intended to join
forces for a package tour in 2000 — a plan that failed to materialize
after QUEENSRŸCHE decided to take the middle slot on IRON MAIDEN's "Brave New
World" tour instead. This move infuriated Portnoy, who told Metal Sludge several
months later, "I have a bone to pick with [QUEENSRŸCHE]... We had a summer tour
in the works being booked with them which I think would have been cool for the
fans and they backed out in the 11th hour which fucked us over....I think maybe
they realized that having to play
after us would make their fans realize how much they suck now!"
When a DREAM THEATER fan suggested back in April 2006 in a posting in "The
Forum" section of Portnoy's web site that Tate was in New York City doing press
for QUEENSRŸCHE's then-new album and that he may join DREAM THEATER on stage at
their April 1, 2006 concert at New York City's Radio City Music Hall, Portnoy
had the following response: "I'm tired of being politically correct... For the
record, Geoff Tate is a two-faced douche bag. Since he has begun doing
'Operation: Mindcrime II' press, he has been consistently bashing DREAM THEATER
and even me personally in the press... (why, I have no idea?). But I'm tired of
biting my tongue when he obviously can't.
"When he was on Eddie Trunk's show [on Q104.3 FM in March 2006], he was
incredibly rude and insultful [sic] when talking about me off the air to Eddie
and [FOZZY singer and former WWE wrestler] Chris Jericho (he having no idea
they're my bros)... Eddie and Chris were FUMING at him and Chris immediately
texted me from the studio saying he was ready to body-slam him on the spot.
"His new name on this board should be Geoff Taint...
"Screw him...he's now on my shitlist..."
During an appearance on Eddie Trunk's "Friday Night Rocks" radio show on New
York's Q104.3 FM in October 2006, Portnoy had the following response when asked
by a fan regarding his "war of words" with Tate:
"I've gotta choose my words carefully or else I'm gonna end up on the front page
of Blabbermouth tomorrow morning. [Laughs]
"There's no hard feelings. I think that the things that were said between me and
Geoff, a lot of it got blown out of propotion, a lot of those feelings and…
whatever. When I went and saw them in New York a few weeks ago, they
were all totally open arms to me, and Geoff was cool. And the next night when
they were here on Eddie's show, they were totally cool about it.
"You know what it is? I think when we toured together with them, it was a
co-headlining thing — we were sharing the lights and the video and the
sound. We had to work together on a lot of things. And I'm very used to running
our band and our organization and our live touring situation a
certain way, and I guess Geoff is used to it his way, so
inevitably, as much of a great time we had, there was also moments where I
wanted something some way and he maybe wanted it the other, so as
kind of the two heads of our organizations, inevitably, maybe, he got
turned off by my headstrongness and same vice versa. I guess when you're kind of
a perfectionist, or a controlling person, and you have to kind
of share that situation with another band, it's tough, and maybe some of it
rubbed him the wrong way. But I've had nothing but good stuff to say about that
tour we did together — it was a lot of fun, every night we
jammed together, and I thought it was a great thing for the fans, and we had a
good time. There were little things here and there in terms of
the whole behind-the-scenes thing, but it was really all a very, very
good-spirited tour.
"It's hard in the age of the Internet to keep things cool and not get blown up.
After what went down here with Geoff and me, it was all over Blabbermouth the
next day and then from there it was on every web site from here to
Australia, and the fans get into it with each other, and they blow it
up, and every word is dissected. That's the scary part. I know I did a Metal
Sludge interview back in 2000 — it was like six years ago — and I still get
heat over that. Because everything you say on the Internet gets spread around
and people just blow it up into the biggest thing."
Why is it funny? It's funny cause Wilton is a crybaby. He should be ashamed of telling the public how Tate whooped his ass, LOL.
Also, he is a shit songwriter who can't even play his own songs and he is an idiot for thinking people are actually gonna give a crap about his new Queensryche.
Still can't stop laughing -- I'd have loved to see his face when Tate said "pussy, what now, you gonna cry?" LOL.
this crap is still going on? My lord. this is worse than watching wrestling.
Well, if that's how you truly feel batmura, then you are just as much of a classless ASS as Tate is.......If you can live with yourself being that way, then fine....
Oh yea, let's try and solve our problems with physical violence....That sounds like something a 12 year old would do.......
I hope the new material from the x members of QR, crushes the last decade of what Geoff Tate has written......
I guess you have never read any of batmura's posts before...nothing new from him
I guess you have never read any of batmura's posts before...nothing new from him
For those that wish to read the actual documents and see a lot more information as opposed to just the blabbermouth hightlights, head here:
I have to wonder if both sides are courting DeGarmo hard right now. Having him in either camp would lend some credibility and some songwriting chops.
I just saw this for the first time and laughed...