So the verdict is?

Reroute as Clayman 2? Lol, the albums are nothing alike, and that's nothing to do with production. I like both albums a lot, but they're very different. Anders' sounds robotic in parts on R2R, which is sad, and many melodies are buried in a strange, muddy mix.
Well they both are really cool. Just because they aren't that complex doesn't make them shit. I like 'em a lot.
The latest, along with CC and R2R, I can find loads of fun tracks on them. Good pop sounds. Soundtrack threw me off! As long as they grow away from that sound I will remain content!
I didn't like ASOP when it came out and I still don't like it.
Boring, predictable, sterile and whiny.

Disconnected is a good example of what's the problem with new In Flames. I mean, the song kicks off with pretty oldschool sounding riffage and drumwork, during the verse even Anders' voice doesn't annoy me half as much as in most of the other songs on that album. and then... the chorus. I could have cried, seriously.
stuff like that ruins most of the songs.

IF are pretty much dead to me now.
The first time I heard System I was fucking enraged ... I remember thinking the start was pretty kickass, then I heard the prechorus (follow your instinct...) and my heart sank (I remember telling someone In Flames must think they're the backstreet boys :D). I was in rage over R2R for many months before I learned to accept it.
I haven't done more than see previews of the album, but I can say by listening to them that it is crap. When I go back and listen to Whoracle and albums like that, I'm taken back to the day when In Flames were an unrivaled Melodic Death Metal band. These days, I'm turning on MTV and seeing a video of the song off the new album. I'm hoping they will realize that they are sucking and come back and play the music that does them justice, and not this Alternative Metal crap. Also, did anyone else think that the album art of the new album was just outright terrible? It looks like something Linkin Park would do.
It definitely isn't what you SHOULD get from in Flames as far as album covers go, but its good art.
Clayman was Colony 2


Seriously though Clayman is Colony's brother. Clayman is the exact progression from more jumpy songs off of Colony, like Scorn and Insipid 2000.

As for Reroute, yes it's a great album. It was hated on first sight because of it's major change in sound. After these new albums you grow on Reroute though.

Reroute > Come Clarity > STYE = ASOP

If you listen to Reroute it actually has Jester Race sounding melodies to it sometimes. That low-toned muffled distortion for some melodic leads sometimes like the Jester Race had.
For me, it would go Reroute > Come Clarity > A Sense of Purpose > Soundtrack

I used to like ASOP better than Come Clarity, but there's a lot of aggression on the latter that is completely lacking on ASOP. Pacing Death's Trail comes to mind.
I haven't done more than see previews of the album, but I can say by listening to them that it is crap. When I go back and listen to Whoracle and albums like that, I'm taken back to the day when In Flames were an unrivaled Melodic Death Metal band. These days, I'm turning on MTV and seeing a video of the song off the new album. I'm hoping they will realize that they are sucking and come back and play the music that does them justice, and not this Alternative Metal crap. Also, did anyone else think that the album art of the new album was just outright terrible? It looks like something Linkin Park would do.

True, it's realy sad to see what they've become, if so many bands can turn back to their roots, why not In flames?
Because they're making loads of money now?

The only reason for them to go back to their roots, when they were playing in front of a hundred or less in German clubs, would be to please a small minority of old school fans who blindly continue to hound the band about how crap their music has become.

Not happening.
^That's a good point. A think us In Flames fans seem to forget something, the people that prefer the older material are a huge minority (I'm guilty of this to). It's a shame, but unfortunately that's just the way it is.
Keep in mind though I do not think In Flames should or will ever go back to the roots on their albums, I think their setlists have for a long time been far too skewered towards the newer releases. Without their older fans they would be nowhere, and they owe it to them to at least bring out a few decent oldies when they play shows. At the moment this isn't happening.