So this guy i know who just bought an Avalon Pre...


Jun 23, 2009
Toowoomba , Australia
Jumped from my recording quality... to this.
(This is my old band btw, used to be the drummer)
His gear is as follows
Pro Tools 003 4 Pre
Axe-FX unit (all guitar processing is through this as far as I know)
Avalon VT737
Drums are all Superior 2.0 I think, As far as I know he's never really recorded a kit with real drums

The guys have an ESP Eclipse and a Schecter C1
This isn't that impressive, IMO. His cymbals sound terrible, and the vocals are a bit thin for my tastes.

Like it's a solid mix and the song is awesome, but it's not something that anyone on this forum couldn't put out I think.
This isn't that impressive, IMO. His cymbals sound terrible, and the vocals are a bit thin for my tastes.

Like it's a solid mix and the song is awesome, but it's not something that anyone on this forum couldn't put out I think.

+1 ...

but what I think he's saying is that he got the pre and now he's putting out stuff like this... maybe I misread that... i dunno...
Listening to those songs guys, what on earth causes the clarity difference between new and old? Cause it even shines through in the drums, might he be mastering with the Avalon's compression or something? Maybe he used to record in 16bit.. I can't fuckin' figure it out.
Yeah, a single preamp isn't going to take your mixes from "meh" to "damn..." on it's own. He's definitely doing something different in the mixing/tracking phase to get the sounds better, in addition to using his new pre.
ive made big leaps in quality just like that before
only it was more on the scale of do a mix, not do anything AE related for 3-4 months, do another mix and have it be twice as better.