Music for the recently deceased huge toms


Aug 24, 2009
Hicktown New York.
I find my drum sound far from great despite having access to slate samples and every superior 2.0 library and I feel this is do to my extreme lack of experience processing drums however I am getting better at it, and the better I get the more and more I feel less inclined to use slate and more inclined to at try my hand at processing real drums (or at the very least superior samples)

My current pre-amp situation makes it impossible for me to trigger and mic a full kit so I always trigger the kick and snare which aren't a problem for me as those are the most frequently replaced but I would like to know how to get a huge full tom sound either using mics or using superior because I'm tired of using slate toms and I would like to make my own sounds and get better and drum processing but no matter how hard I try I can never get my toms to sound huge and punchy they usually just sound like deflated beach-balls

I've read almost every thread on this forum about this and have tried everything including joey's tom tips and none of them have helped

And I'm assuming a top quality program like superior drummer is very capable of obtaining great results and I know it is most people's go to tom replacement program

So what I'm wondering is how do you guys get a huge full tom sound and get them to cut through the mix assuming the source material is good from the start (superior drummer) the sound I'm aiming for is a IKTPQ style which is why I referenced them in the title, any tips are welcome even threads to other discussion though chances are I've probably seen them before. (first you hear the dry toms that sound like ass, then the processed and then the effected drums)

processing is pretty simple: eq, comp, reverb and multiband comp

EQ on lower tom: highpass at 95hz, boosts at 110 and 220hz, wide cut at 560hz and cuts at 1.5khz and 11khz
EQ on higher tom: highpass at 100hz, boost at 105hz, cuts at 210hz, 425hz, 973hz, 2khz and a wide boost at 7khz

Then a compressor on both (can't remember the settings as I don't have the settings I used on that sample, but something super generic like 4:1 cutting 6dB and ~50ms attack and 100ms release), and in the bus there is a reverb and multiband compressor (can't remember the settings)

edit: but of course the exact eq settings don't help you if you don't work with the exact same sound source. (first you hear the dry toms that sound like ass, then the processed and then the effected drums)

processing is pretty simple: eq, comp, reverb and multiband comp

EQ on lower tom: highpass at 95hz, boosts at 110 and 220hz, wide cut at 560hz and cuts at 1.5khz and 11khz
EQ on higher tom: highpass at 100hz, boost at 105hz, cuts at 210hz, 425hz, 973hz, 2khz and a wide boost at 7khz

Then a compressor on both (can't remember the settings as I don't have the settings I used on that sample, but something super generic like 4:1 cutting 6dB and ~50ms attack and 100ms release), and in the bus there is a reverb and multiband compressor (can't remember the settings)

edit: but of course the exact eq settings don't help you if you don't work with the exact same sound source.

50 ms attack? Damn maybe thats what I'm doing wrong I usually have like 5 to 10 but i feel like the higher I raise the attack the more punch I get but its to the point where its all punch and no body and it sounds like a stick slapping a beach ball. If I boost too much low end it sounds like a stick slapping a beach ball taking a shit. I don't get it.

But those toms sound amazing dude, they have nice warmth and nice body but not too much attack. Maybe I should post a clip?