Toms like Thy Art is Murder?

Feb 15, 2014
Ok so lately I have been trying to get these forums to help with my mixing.. But I want to ask something..

How can I get my toms to sound like Thy Art is Murders?
One of their songs here:

Is there any way I can get my toms to sound massive like that? Like tips and such?

I don't really know where to begin with toms. So far in the little mixing I have done I can't get them to stand out.

I'd like to get a sound like the band linked.

I use Superior Drummer 2.0 (With Metal Foundry) btw.
That separate tracking explains my confusion on how he got hold of the bleed, while raping the shit out of the signals.

Makes it even more wicked imo, cause it totally sounds like one performance.

I'm not the hugest fan of that genre, or some of the elements in this production, but I know when I hear a great product.
That and while not particularly follow putney, I was able to tell/guess that he did the production for one or two other bands I never heared of before.
He has got a very unique thing going, which I think is most awesome.
This album sounds rad. I can't believe in the other thread there were dudes like "this is boring music". WFT? Keep in mind that thread is over 18 months old now and I still haven't hear/don't know who any of those guys are.
Anyway amarshism should be waking up just about now (kidding dude!), maybe he'll drop by and clear this up, he usually does.
Haha I just want to get my toms to sound better and I thought a good start point would be similar to TAIS ish toms. Didn't expect all of this.

I just like how massive the toms sound.
Haha I just want to get my toms to sound better and I thought a good start point would be similar to TAIS ish toms. Didn't expect all of this. I just like how massive the toms sound.

The drums sound massive and the album rules! Didn't know it was natural drums, gonna have a listen right now.
There's no way the separate tracking thing was news to you, right? Like you just needed a prompt to shit on TAIM/Putney, no? I'm starting to see a trend.

When i said I don't like the aesthetics is a way to acknowledge it sounds pro but for me personally I don't like how it sounds.

I don't see ANY difference in tracking the shells separate is any difference to triggering them.

I've seen some live performance of the band on YT and the drummer seems to be a beast so why not try to capture that great performance and then enhance the drums in the mix? To me this is just a way for the band to say to be able to say, yeah we didn't use samples. But when they "cheat" it doesn't really matter, not to my ears.
I don't see ANY difference in tracking the shells separate is any difference to triggering them.

That's a bit of an odd statement to make. It's self evident that the dynamics from recorded toms, whether isolated or otherwise, would be well different to taking multi-samples of those toms and replacing over the original performance.

That being said, I agree with your sentiment re: the aesthetics of the record.
To me this is just a way for the band to say to be able to say, yeah we didn't use samples.

Your comment sounds very weird to me! I mean I don't think the band or Putney consider this kind of thing when it's time to produce a record! It's certainly not new to you that recording the toms separately allow to get the full performance of the drummer while also avoiding the bleed. It's a good method for those who want real drums. And finally, there's no subject to debate as the record is done and sounds awesome :)
Your comment sounds very weird to me! I mean I don't think the band or Putney consider this kind of thing when it's time to produce a record! It's certainly not new to you that recording the toms separately allow to get the full performance of the drummer while also avoiding the bleed. It's a good method for those who want real drums. And finally, there's no subject to debate as the record is done and sounds awesome :)

Well my point is that it is nothing real about it at all. Capture the performance, really? Doing that you could just sample replace the toms later in the mix. As i said, the drummer seems to be a real beast so why not capture his REAL performance instead of doing what they did. Just stating MY opinion you don't have to agree, the band certainly wont cause they all did what they did :)
I just think it doesn't matter how it's done as long as it sounds good in the end.

You need to have an open mind and do whatever it takes to get the sound in your head and if you can get a badass drum sound because you recorded shells and cymbals separately so bleed wasn't a factor and you could push a bit harder then cool.

If I remember correctly, when Dave Grohl did session drums on Killing Joke's self titled release in 2003, he recorded in this way. There's some really cool tribal sounding drums on that CD.

I can certainly see the benefit to tracking the shells separately as you can go balls to the wall and not have to worry about the bleed and flying in samples.

If I had a chance to record a real kit I'd probably do it this way too depending on what/who/the project.

I can kind of see the whole well you might as well program/trigger so why do it that way logic; but why NOT do it that way? *shrugs*
Is there any way to simulate this with VST's? I'm thinking maybe putting a cranked tape/console saturation before the Superior Drummer insert, but I'm not sure that would actually do anything, and I know it's not the same thing as a mic pre.