So this is the new layout.

I like it a lot :) Miss the red colours as I have seen it for a decade in the sneap subsection but oh well :)

Where can you make it 100% width as mentionned before ? I didn't find this option in the preferences ?

This little fellar widens the page at least a bit.


Ahaha @xFkx got it first, should've read before replying :D
@MetalAges I just noticed that some normal threads in the main forum are empty when you try to read them. For instance, the thread "Let's talk Bergstrand". Well, the thread says it has X pages and X messages but nothing is shown.

Hm, I see that. That's very strange - I'll need to dog into that to see what's up (the posts could have been moved to another area). Please let me know here if you come across more like that.
One thing that bothers me is the menu at the top of each page ("FORUMS, MEDIA, RESOURCES, MEMBERS") drops down a sub-menu every time my mouse goes over it and I have to click off. Not a big deal by any means, but I find myself having to click off of that quite a lot. Maybe instead of hover-over, make them click-to-drop-down?

Just a suggestion.
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Oh my god that sign-up message is so annoying and you can't even get rid of it until you log in. Please make it stop, it's just annoying and stupid! It covers the whole screen on the iphone, making the forum unusable on mobile if not logged in. And to be honest I rarely can be asked to log in on my phone mainly because I hate typing on the phone, especially passwords with funny characters... So usually I just leave it and log in alot less then I used to.
Hm, I see that. That's very strange - I'll need to dog into that to see what's up (the posts could have been moved to another area). Please let me know here if you come across more like that.

Seems you can't link to timestamps in youtube videos in this forum anymore, it removes the timestamps when you post your reply.

I have no idea on how to maintain a forum, but it would be nice if you could link to certain times, especially when it's longer videos.