so this new Lamb of God stuff......


Nov 22, 2007
Poconos, PA
Not sure how I feel about this so far.

This "Overlord" track thats out now ..... clean vocals?! I guess it's not bad, but I miss the old LOG. Just seems every new album they put out I notice a riff or fill that is 120% rehashed from a previous album. Upsets me.
You can only do so much with that style before it gets stale. I got bored halfway through their first album :lol: at least the Alice in Chains-style stuff is new for them. Randy's voice isn't too great for it though.
They released 2 absolutely brutal destructive tracks before this one to help the old fans, and they were awesome. This, while different, is still awesome as fuck. I'd be surprised though if more of the album is like this.
Wow, just checked this out. It almost worked for me.

The mix while technically good is not helping this song. It could have been a little looser sounding and gelled the instruments together against the vocal, its just to much clarity for this kind of thing.

The heavy bridge section is just horrendous, The tempo shift completely takes me out of the song and just sounds stapled on. I appreciate the sentiment which was probably "lets have this melodic tune take a metal turn so as not to alienate our core audience" but if they just did the power slow thing that they actually do well then it could have worked.

The video is awful but most videos are.

Randy's vocal is almost there. The band playing in this style is almost there. As a semi-fan of the band I actually wouldn't mind if they went in this direction somewhat in the future. It doesn't come across as an insincere cash grab or full on sellout All That Remains type of thing. I think they need to work on it a bit more and work with a different producer who can guide them into a better outcome because this falls short of both the benchmark songwriting of this style and the parameters of what this band has successfully done in the past.
The metal part it´s just weird because they didnt build tension for the metal riffs to come in. Unlike for example the song Sanitarium of metallica where the tension is growing for the metal part to come.

Anyway, I am not a LOG fan but I liked the track and randy isnt singing bad at all.
I like the individual pieces, but together they don't make a very good song. They could've made the metal part into it's own song and kept the AiC vibe going the entire time, or at the very least they could have tried to figure out a way to flow in and out of the metal part.

They've got really strong potential for the new direction, but I don't think this wasn't a very good first effort if they're trying to keep their hardcore fans on board.
I personally think he sounds more like Weird Al than Layne Staley. I really dislike the clean vocals, but then again i never really like lamb of god for the vocals anyways, i always felt it was the weakest link in the chain.
Regardless of the clean singing or whatever new direction they want to go in, it just didn't come off like that interesting or fresh or whatever. It was like filler to me. Nothing terrible at all either. Original AIC would be on my playlist rather than that song.
Totally different but still a very good song for what it is and it's well produced imho. I love bands that dare to change their stuff.