hahaha just posted a review, do me a favor and vote it as 'yes' to keep it up top?

FretsAflame said:This toy was fun at first, but I do not enjoy it very much anymore. I used to think it was great to shoot goo at my friends, but now I don't. Yesterday I was playing with my oozinator alone when it suddenly went off. I shot my own ooze straight into my eye. It really burned, and it stayed in my eyelashes for hours. Now that I know how bad it feels to be shot in the face with ooze I don't feel so good about oozing all over my friends.
Another complaint I have about this toy is that I would sometimes go out oozing around town but forget to wipe the tip off when I was done. Then everytime I tried to ooze again it wouldn't spray out straight. I don't know why this is, but it really is annoying.