So what cool gifts did you all get?

This year I didn't want much of anything. I wanted a new car stereo with a working CD player since mine stopped working a few months ago, the night after I bought the new Opeth album (Heritage is cursed, I refuse to put it in the CD player for a while :lol:), and that came last week. I also bought myself a new phone, the Samsung Stratosphere, which my parents generously offered to pay for as part of my Christmas -- I was originally just going to buy it myself like any other thing!

I also got a nice gym jacket and matching pants which is awesome since I go to the gym 4 days a week. Other than that, just cash -- I'm fine with that, nobody even needed to get me that much! That said, I'm going to go deposit said cash here in a few minutes and put some meat on my bank account's bones... :lol:
Outside of consumer items: I got a well needed restful week with my family, enjoying their company, catching up, eating & drinking too much and laughing long into the night. Shortly followed by a very well needed week with my lovely girlfriend, relaxing and trying to stay warm :)

In the spirit of materialism: a new winter coat, a thick warm jumper, a cabin suitcase, leather messenger bag, more socks, plenty of books, a bottle of Talisker distiller's edition 2000 and a dressing gown.

Hope Santa brought you all that you deserved :kickass:
I got a nice break from the stress of work as well as some cool presents, including Iron Maiden's 'On Board Flight 666' book, and the super collectors edition of Devin Townsend's four album set 'Contain Us'; a good time was had by all!
Hope everyone else had an enjoyable break and made some life changing (although hopefully realistic ;-)) new year resolutions.
I got driving lessons (horrah!), a bottle of Absinthe, Guinness, Family Guy boxers ;) money and other stuff. Wasn't expecting driving lessons though, as I told my parents all I wanted was money to go towards savings. So I'm happy I can finally get them out of the way :)
I got Xbox games/points and mainly money for the beautiful Engl which I now possess!

I was astonished to receive a £100 Amazon gift card, and £45 of Nintendo e-Shop gift cards. Even when taking into account that I didn't get a birthday present and that 3 people pitched in for them I still thought that they spent too much money on me. Hasn't stopped me from spending the Amazon gift card though :lol: .

As well as that, though, I also received:

- A box of 'Keep Calm and Carry On' themed biscuits

- A small Lindt chocolate reindeer

- A travel bag for carrying toiletries

- A mug with 'Head Gardener' written on it (which pissed me off because I really fucking hate doing the gardening)