So....what's everyone into?


Warrior of Black Metal
Sep 20, 2003
New Hampshire
Sorry if this has been posted. What is everyone here at rapture into in terms of metal? I myself am into most forms of metal, mostly older stuff like 80's Thrash/NWOBHM, Iron Maiden, Priest, and Sabbath. I'm also pretty big on Extreme metal. (black and death most importantly and some goregrind)

Also what bands have you heard on Rapture that you've enjoyed?

For me while tuned in i've of course heard Anthrax - Indians, and Immortal, but i heard about a few new bands like Sirius(I believe), Rain, Vision Divine(While i'm not huge on their type of sound i can kick back and enjoy them), Patologicum, Orphaned Land(a band i previously haven't been too sure about), and a few other bands. What bands did you first hear on Rapture and gotten into as well?
I wasn't a huge opeth/children of bodom fan until i heard them played on the station as well as other bands \m/

Diversity is great though. allows people of all different tastes to enjoy their favorite music.
I like alot of genres but my favourite would probably be doom. Yes, I tend to go for the depressing stuff.

Yeah Wes, same with me. Rapture helps me get into bands that I've only had say like one song of their downloaded, didn't care too much for it, and never wanted to listen to them again. And then you hear it on the station and think hey, these guys aren't too bad. But I'm not talking about Nevermore. I loved them from the moment I first heard them.
I'm into everything... yes, even cheezy pop music. But my preference is melodic death metal.
I wonder why?
Ok OK I am into just about everything but I guess the biggest suprise is that Vanessa and I are complete suckers for pop punk.Sum 41 and Blink 182 I know thats not very tr00 or kvlt but can you read my give-a-a-fuck o meter?
But as far as metal goes I am quite a fan of Darkthrone,Opeth,Soilwork,Dissection,Hatebreed,Warmachine yeah thats it for today.