so what's the fuck with maudlin of the well?


Oct 28, 2001
at first I thought the band were one of the stoned fantasies of Lobo Uivante but then they made a MotW forum in UM and it's instantly occupied by all sorts of wacky people and a moderator with a cool Final Fantasy II nick, so what if we discuss their music (for a change) and somebody tells me what is it about? genre or something?
oooh REFRESHING! yes lets talk about music for a minute.

I'd say progressive rock, but not progressive like tech rock. we really span many many genres - in fact we hardly ever actually consider genre in our music. there is definily some metal aspects, but also much more. maybe someone with an outside perspective can help me out here?
I think the most accurate genre-label would be the clunkiest. I mean, clearly motW has doom and death influences, but they're very far from a stock death or grind band, and they're not even close to Khanate-like EXTREME DOOM. I think progressive metal is a decent label. they're not really goth metal...not thrash...they've got turntable or DJ...some standard metal subject matter, and some very nonstandard subject matter...fuck, I dunno.
sounds good to me, you have a website with some samples I could check or something? maybe that will clear up a lot of things
Originally posted by deadair
dood.... that dood is in hades?

but the pic looks cold... does that mean hell has frozen over?

and if it has... josh you owe me a billion dollars. pay up.

:rolleyes: outdoors pic

I will download the samples soon (not that you care about that)
so when will the biography will be up, and what's with that giant squid on the background? is he maudlin and he's from a well?
I think that the biography has been "coming soon" for about a year now.

I still miss the old page, soley because all the band members were represented by Final Fantasy character sprites.
Originally posted by Thanatos
at first I thought the band were one of the stoned fantasies of Lobo Uivante but then they made a MotW forum in UM and it's instantly occupied by all sorts of wacky people and a moderator with a cool Final Fantasy II nick, so what if we discuss their music (for a change) and somebody tells me what is it about? genre or something?

go to and download first the song "stones of october's sobbing".....this song made me get into mother loves!