So who has bought the Voyager DVD ??

There seems to be an encoding problem however on disc 2, in the Metal Mania portion. In the first three songs video frequently stops for a second and then fastforwards to catch up, audio is ok. Anyone else got this problem? Defective batch of DVDs? Or is it just my copy?

I have that same problem. Also; it seems that the lip sync on the first few songs of the Wacken performance is not right.

I can return my DVD on Friday and hope that the problem is solved then.
CD audio sounds awesome! I forgot how badass the old songs were. Warrel sounds great, Chris is the shit, and the dubs sound pretty good too.

Too bad they ruined the intro of Dreaming Neon Black by playing it WAY too fast. Do they really need Van to count off the ENTIRE intro? Leave some of that timing loose, that's how the magic happens! Count offs are predictable and safe.

Other than that, good job!
Oh those tracks screw me up too... Only worse, the audio and video is skipping

edit: I haven't checked if it's a problem with the dvd-player yet.. the dvd looks scratchless though

Got another copy today, and it's the same friggin' problem. I forgot to mention that the problem is even worse on CM10th clips, audio skips there too (luckily I have these on the CD/DVD set of Enemies). On MetalMania songs the audio is ok.

However, both discs (the old and new one) run smoothly on my computer's DVD player. Strange. Suppose I'll live with that.
Got another copy today, and it's the same friggin' problem. I forgot to mention that the problem is even worse on CM10th clips, audio skips there too (luckily I have these on the CD/DVD set of Enemies). On MetalMania songs the audio is ok.

However, both discs (the old and new one) run smoothly on my computer's DVD player. Strange. Suppose I'll live with that.

so you mean those DVD discs work OK on your computer and CDs are all right ?

so you mean those DVD discs work OK on your computer and CDs are all right ?


Yes. Although I can't say anything about CDs since I don't have them (got the 2DVD set), I generally don't find use for live recordings without visuals:) But I think CDs will be allright, haven't encountered a defective new CD yet in 20 years of buying them.

Maybe CenturyMedia will compensate this DVD problem in some way when they hear about it, like they did when Enemies was remixed and -mastered and you could buy the new version dirt cheap w/o cover.
Got another copy today, and it's the same friggin' problem. I forgot to mention that the problem is even worse on CM10th clips, audio skips there too (luckily I have these on the CD/DVD set of Enemies). On MetalMania songs the audio is ok.

However, both discs (the old and new one) run smoothly on my computer's DVD player. Strange. Suppose I'll live with that.
duh, gee, do ya, ya know, think maybe, that uhhhhh, duuuhhhh, if they uh, work fine on your uhhh, computer dvd player that uhh, maybe its uhh, your uhh, other dvd player thats bad, duuhhh not the dvd?!

duh, gee, do ya, ya know, think maybe, that uhhhhh, duuuhhhh, if they uh, work fine on your uhhh, computer dvd player that uhh, maybe its uhh, your uhh, other dvd player thats bad, duuhhh not the dvd?!


Seems we got a real smart one here. I salute you, Sir. Your intelligence is beyond comprehension. As are your manners. :notworthy Are you and Will related, by the way?

But seriously, haven't got any problems like this with any of the hundred or so DVDs I have purchased. Or couple of hundreds more that I have rented unless they were really scratchy. And seems like other people have experienced the same problems with disc 2.

Thought it would be a good idea to hook up with other Nevermore fans, didn't know that this is a playgroud for kids behind nicknames. I'll leave you to that. Nice meeting you all.