So who plays tabletop games?


Senior Memory
Aug 13, 2011
Bristol, TN
My buddy got myself and my family into D&D/Pathfinder type tabletop gaming, and we've been doing a homebrew campaign for a few months now.

Just hoping to maybe get a discussion started and test some waters. My ulterior motive is that said buddy is looking for some extra cash flow and was wondering if anyone would like to pay for a DM on demand. Also have terrain modification services.

But that aside, always fun to share stories!
Someone was just telling me about an article they were reading about professional DMs, crazy that people can make a living that way but it's kinda awesome!

A few of my friends do Pathfinder but I could never roleplay effectively so I mostly stuck to stuff like Warhammer/40k, Warmachine, At-43 (back when I had time for that kind of thing). I worked in a game store during highschool and people would pay me to paint their miniatures for them which was kind of fun.
Whoot! I had hoped I would find some gamers here! I would type up some stories to share but I'm a tad busy right now. Anyone got some awesome memories to share?

I''ll tell you one thing.. I just had a player (my wife) have her character's brain transplanted into another person's body.
Me and my wife have a bunch of tabletops. Nothing hardcore, mostly mainstream stuff like Arkham horror, Starcraft, Munchkin and several MtG decks. Haven't played anything for the last several months.
Back in the very early 90s I played one called Star Frontiers that was a ton of fun. I dabbled with one called Traveller also, not as easy to follow though. Did a bit of D&D but I was more into Sci fi than fantasy, still am.
During the 90s I played Warhammer 40k. I was actually pretty fucking good at painting as well as playing it. I quit when my mom dropped the whole box of my Chaos army onto the stone floor we had, millions of model pieces scattered across the entire room. yay
Never got into anything like that. Played a lot of drinking games when I was like 21.

Now it's either Cards Against Humanity or Texas Hold'em.