*sits down*

"Hey, bartender, conjure me up a double spectral empire, dry."


"Mmm, excellent taste."

*looks around the bar*

"Some of you may be wondering who I am. I am a human and may look a common type on the surface, but that's exactly how I disarm my opponents. Those who know me either respect me or fear my judgment, for my name is... Incrowder."

((I want to make a douchebag paladin type, details forthcoming.))
Im a half elf thrasher with a 1h axe that occasionally and at random emits lightning to fry an opponent right before they get the swinging axe, (Ride the Lightning and Swing of the Axe refs heyooo) and a dwarfs scutum (lol scrotum amirite) which, while quite large for a dwarf, was sized just right for the larger half-elf. My elfin mom wanted me to become a bard but my human dad said it was impractical, and I occasionally wonder what might have been.
If any of you are rearin to go, I've modded a 3.5 character sheet. Should work best in a spreadsheet program but you can print if need be. Fill out the yellow areas, send it back to me for review, preferably in spreadsheet form.

Re: the spells/ abilities section, yes you have to fill out all of them if you're inventing your own class. If you're waiting to see what I come up with leave that area and class box alone.
Re: 'Ranks', you each start out with 7. You may disperse these 7 points as you see fit into the 'ranks' box next to the skill.

If you're curious about the rest of it or still unclear on yellow areas, this is an excellent 3.5 rulebook website. There's very minor differences since I'm simplifying the game but it will still be useful.
Human Stoner Doom Psionicist, Lawful Neutral. I specialize in Psychoportation (Teleport, Astral Projection, Dream Travel, Dimension Walk). When not adventuring I spend much of my time investigating interdimensional events and illusory magical constructs.

The psionic disciplines are my chief devotion, and I will gladly choose the pursuit of knowledge over the trivial needs of other people, but I believe rule of law in the physical realm serves the interests of all. You're free to rage against the grand design all you want, but ultimately the design is all that matters.

I wield only needle-bladed piercing weapons, as they are elegant and precise. Although many of my kind devote themselves to telepathy, I have thus far avoided it, as I find people and their dirty secrets rather boring. I prefer to assist adventuring parties via scouting and dream travel. I'll begrudgingly do infiltration, burglary and assassination, but I despise messy jobs.
I take it the character sheets terrified most of you. It's way less complicated than it looks, just focus on the yellow areas.

I'm cool with a slow start. It's gonna be a slow game too tbh, gotta wait back and forth for dice rolls.

I have one player about ready to go right now, if I get one more I'll include a 'mentor' to join the party and get started.
I was mostly just waiting to see what classes you'd propose to make sure what I have in mind is roughly in line with things. Otherwise I can submit mine tonight.
I'm holding off on my own creativity so there's more room for others. Planned on just filling in the gaps, submit yours.

I'll try to get a template going for my own NPC/ party member once I have yours HBB. Those who are hesitant can get a rough idea of filling out the sheet. I'm still determining 'mana' as well, probably whatever your highest attribute is times an arbitrary number.
If I play I'd be a female elven shadowdancer/assassin

Hide in plain sight, backstab, lockpicking, etc

Like my character in neverwinter nights. That was a good game
@arg there's a bunch of file upload sites you can drop your sheet at, please use one then PM me the link.
Gonna say right now though you put your ranks into the wrong area, put them to the right of ability mod. Where you have it determines if it's a class skill and I'll be allocating that (some skills you cannot use untrained). I also need more specific mechanics for your spells/ abilities, if you can't decide I'll do it for you. Fill out all the level one slots, and at least one slot for each level shown.
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there ya go it's downloadable, feel free to tweak the numbers/mechanics/descriptions etc :)
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