GMD travel buddy program...?

If any of you ever come to placid for whatever reason and I recognize you will give you finger and start shit with you. Fuck off!
Some of my friends are thinking about relocating to Nashville after Japan, but they are hipster types. Does Nashville have any metal scene at all?
Nashville does have a metal scene with weekly metal shows(and other guitar-based genres) at The Muse. I live 2 hours from there currently, but I know a little about the place. I'd recommend visiting the place before moving there. If I get a certain job there within the next few months, I may be living there.
If you want to give Nashville a chance, let me know. :)
Also, you have to take me to a goth club sometime. I've wanted to go to one for a while. I think there might've been an Indutrial type club in Nashville at one time called Code Blue that a friend of mine told me about. But that's it.
I lived in Berlin for two years. Just sayin'. I think I spent far more time in the museums and checking out Potsdam and East Berlin, than going to pubs or enjoying the nightlife.

I'm extremely jealous. If I could figure out a way to work and live there legally for a year or even a couple months or something I would totally do it. But cleaning hotel rooms or whatever unskilled non-German-speaking labor I would be stuck with wouldn't pay the bills unless I squatted with the Strassenkinder, and they smell bad and their dogs are scary.

Potsdam is so pretty. I'm not a big museums person tbh, if I have loads of time I'll check some out but I much prefer while on vacation to just walk around, get lost, and see what happens.

@Drone Ranger how are you a difficult traveler?

And more generally what kind of traveler are people here? Some people need PLANS PLANS PLANS and guidebooks and walking tour bookings while others are content to wake up at 5 pm and drink at hostel bars.

My personal idea of travel hell is hanging out at a "party" hostel in Prague with a bunch of alcoholic American college students and going on an organized "pub crawl." I prefer hotels over hostels though I won't entirely snub hostels, and I like doing at least 1-2 "educational/cultural" things throughout the day. I've never traveled completely alone before because I like having company, but I tend to split up with my travel companions for a few hours every day to do my own thing and then meet up for dinner/drinks.
I didn't use any guidebooks when I was in Spain. Though, I should've learned how the bus system works there instead of flying by the seat of my pants.
I took a girl to the mall with me there in Toledo and we waited an hour or so on the bus ride because I chose the worser of the two possible bus stops. I was definitely stressing out over that.
No, I went with Girl Scouts and Boy Scouts. YEEEUUUHHHH!

It was beautiful. I will be going again when I move back, but I will avoid Death Delirium.

I was being sarcastic. I'm sure if came across any of you would have a great time. It's LP. You can do whatever the fuck you want.
When any of you guys come to Sao Paulo for whatever reason, I'll be ready to show you the best spots, including the Metal Mall, which is unbeliavable. Our nightlife's also damn cool.

Be ready to spend some cash!!!
I must confess, I am somewhat interested in visiting. Probably a few other places I want to see first though.
I think I'm gonna go to Bloodstock Open Air (UK) next summer (apparently Rhapsody are playing?!) and also visit my friends in London/Surrey/Oxford.
I should go vacationing in some really destitute asian country and get laid every night for dirt cheap.