GMD travel buddy program...?

If any of you are interested in meeting me somewhere in the future, just let me know. I don't know when I'll be doing traveling anytime soon. But if you want to see what Nashville or rural Northwest TN is like, consider doing it. :lol: :)
Some of my friends are thinking about relocating to Nashville after Japan, but they are hipster types. Does Nashville have any metal scene at all?
If anyone from here who is old enough to drink (20 or up) who I like ends up going to Osaka, Hiroshima or Fukuoka I will consider making an appearance
I will be there in three days.

I know it will be hard to resist my charms, but you must! I am a taken man!

Also, I will not be in Japan, I was lying.
I'm going to go to Frankfurt between Christmas and New Year. Anyone been? What should I do?

I've been there a few times. There's not really much cool stuff to do there iirc (then again, I did not partake of the nightlife there.) There is a cool outdoor market along the river on Saturday mornings I think. What did I do when I was there? There was a festival going on there one of the times I was there. I drank a lot of beer and listened to German oompah music. That's about it, I think. Maybe I didn't explore hard enough. Heidelberg isn't too far from Frankfurt. It's a cool small town with a castle overlooking it. It's a nice place to spend a day or two in if you have the chance. I actually went bar hopping with my uncle and my friend in old downtown Heidelberg once. I had a blast, actually. Then again, I was young and new to that sort of thing. Fuck, I actually wish I lived there. It seemed so idyllic.

krampus said:
Does Nashville have any metal scene at all?

I know one of the guys from Chaos Moon and they're from Nashville. They're a pretty good bm band. I don't know of any other bands from that area though.
Yeah Frankfurt is hardly a sightseeing paradise from the looks of it, but I might just overload on capitalist piggery and buy clothes and get drunk and hang out with my druid friend and his friends in Mannheim, which is only 30 min away by train. I'd like to visit Mainz to see what it's like, I hear it's really nice.

Heidelberg was nice but it is so touristy that I might as well not even leave Japan. I recall seeing at least 3-4 100% Japanese souvenir shops there. Druid took my mom and I up a mountain to see an old amphitheater where they held NS assembles/meetings and they have pagan festivals with hippies everywhere on Beltane and Samhuinn, that was awesome. I went bar hopping briefly but I had the flu.

Hey Cythraul if you go to Berlin you should go to K-17. "Dark Friday" is a pretty cool goth night. I had an extremely scandalous and unspeakable goth club adventure of my own there once upon a time. It is alternative/goth/metal friendly every night of the week.
Druid took my mom and I up a mountain to see an old amphitheater where they held NS assembles/meetings and they have pagan festivals with hippies everywhere on Beltane and Samhuinn, that was awesome.

Ah, I forgot about that place. I've been there too.

Hey Cythraul if you go to Berlin you should go to K-17. "Dark Friday" is a pretty cool goth night. I had an extremely scandalous and unspeakable goth club adventure of my own there once upon a time. It is alternative/goth/metal friendly every night of the week.

I've been to Germany numerous times but I've never gone to Berlin. I'll make a point of going there on my next trip.
hey someone should go to Berlin or Prague with me in May/June. i might cry if i'm alone.

If you wait a few months I might be able to.

You two need to get here, I'll take you around Prague and then we'll go to OEF. That would be the best time of your life.

Ontopic: I'm having a beer with Bitencourt tommorow. Well if he contacts me. I don't know where he is now tbh, in Budapest? Whatever.
You two need to get here, I'll take you around Prague and then we'll go to OEF. That would be the best time of your life.

Ontopic: I'm having a beer with Bitencourt tommorow. Well if he contacts me. I don't know where he is now tbh, in Budapest? Whatever.

Yeah man it's Dan Bitencourts last day there tommorow,you should catch up for a beer,that dude gets my vote for the nicest person here.Hopefully i'll catch up with him for a beer one day soon.
Yeah man it's Dan Bitencourts last day there tommorow,you should catch up for a beer,that dude gets my vote for the nicest person here.Hopefully i'll catch up with him for a beer one day soon.

Yeah man, I want to meet him and go have some beer. Tommorow is going to be a big day for me as it's my first day at my new school, I have to be there from 7:00 to 13:00 and then we'll celebrate with my new/old mates. It will either rule the fuck or dissapoint me. Either way, I'm going to drink and meet Daniel afterwads.
I lived in Berlin for two years. Just sayin'. I think I spent far more time in the museums and checking out Potsdam and East Berlin, than going to pubs or enjoying the nightlife.

I was in Berlin once for a day. It was amazing. We went to a pub here in Prague and we were kinda bored so we thought we might just get to Germany. We arrived to Dresden at 2AM and it was fucking boring there and it was raining so we decided to go to Berlin where we arrived the next morning. Spent a day drinking and then went to some famous bar for the night. I want to visit Berlin again sometime.