GMD travel buddy program...?

Well, from personal experience, most of So Cal is just barren desert. (Lived in 29 Palms for 6 months). Have driven through El Centro, Indio, LA, San Bernardino, etc. etc. plenty of times.

LA area= Horrible roads, traffic, and city-scape. Hollywood is bum infested and dirty, huge let down when I visited, just like the rest of the LA area.Thanks to mismanagement most of the LA area is falling apart anyway, and the rest of So/mid Cal is getting there.

It's ridiculously hot during the summer (just like where I live) so that is a negative.

North of LA you have the "Congress created Dust Bowl". That area is a cross between empty and kept fields and grassy hills. Boring landscape.

San Diego is an exception. It has traffic problems but has at least managed to keep things in repair, and of course the weather is always nice. The weather has also kept it from being desert.

I drove through nearly every state west of the mississippi repeatedly for over 2 months and saw the best and worst of the country, and Cali is among the worst.

LA does have its shitty parts but theres a lot of interesting places to go as well. As for the heat its hardly bad compared to living in Vegas, most of the time over the summer it was in the 80s and it was fantastic imo.

I haven't been much north of LA asides from Santa Barbara, which was also pretty enjoyable. But whats wrong with the Orange County area? Thats mostly where I grew up and asides from a few areas its great.

The places that are more inland tend to not be so enjoyable. But when I think SoCal, I think LA county, Orange County and San Diego, not the inland counties and towns.

I've driven through Nevada, Arizona, New Mexico and Colorado and there seemed to be much much more desert in those states than in Cali.
Well Nevada and New Mexico yeah. Colorado has a sliver of desert on the west side right before crossing into Utah, and Arizon has plenty. But there is a huge difference between the Desert in Utah, Colorado and Arizona compared to Cali desert (in general).

Much of Cali desert looks like the desert surrounding Vegas (which you obviously are familier with. Dead and boring.

The "high desert" areas in Arizona,Utah,Colorado, and even Nevada are beautiful. Even the more regular desert in Arizona is beautiful in the spring. It isn't "dead" desert.

A disclaimer on my opinions of coastal SoCal (other than San Diego). I generally hate big cities, and the LA area is miles and miles of [crumbling] concrete jungle that is too far removed from nature to me.

Plus SoCal is full of these:

Good point about the desert's, NM and Colorado were pretty nice though most of what I've seen in CA, NV and AZ weren't.

And I'm pretty much a city person, I love being downtown and amongst skycrapers and all that, though I love going camping and hiking etc as well. I wouldn't enjoy living out of a fairly urbanized area though.

There were a lot more cholo/ghetto types in Chicago then in LA, though it depends the area of each one as well.
Man, I've been conflicted as hell about these trip plans. I really, really want to go to Europe and try to do a 'working vacation' there, but nearly everything I read suggests that it's extremely hard for foreigners to find work there, between the language barriers and the fact that a lot of EU countries have work permit policies that favor natives.

I really don't want to do this just for the sake of tourism - I want to get the hell out of Virginia. :lol: What I'm leaning toward doing now is visiting the Seattle/Vancouver area and looking for work there (preferably in Vancouver). Even though unemployment is higher in both those places than it is in Virginia, it's still relatively low and there won't be so many extra hurdles for me. Plus, it looks beautiful out there - I'm sure I'd squeeze in several days of hiking while in the area.
isnt Vancouver a slum city? and there's nothing really different any place you go, it's all the same man. you just need a job and a girl and whatever city you go to won't matter
Yeah that's why the Olympics are there. It's an added element to the competitions: try to get a gold without getting shanked.
Vancouver is regularly ranked among the most livable cities on Earth, so I imagine you're talking out your ass rms. It does have a high rate of violent crime - for Canada - but as I am currently living in what has been previously known as the "murder capital of the U.S." and feel pretty safe here, I doubt that crime is going to deter me from Vancouver.
Come to Ohio you fucking kike

Nah, I think not. Maybe if Vancouver happens to work out and I end up making a ridiculous cross-country trip in my car I'll drop by your digs. Not sure it would be worth all the gas for that though.
I never noticed Badbird's location is "Norway." Hah.

I'm going to go to Frankfurt between Christmas and New Year. Anyone been? What should I do?
MOSS: deep. real deep.

hey someone should go to Berlin or Prague with me in May/June. i might cry if i'm alone.