GMD travel buddy program...?

Nope, I have not. I usually skip over the pictures so I can focus on reading everyone's witty commentary.
So i'm trying to decide on 3 foreign cities i want to try living in for a few weeks each later this year. Right now i have a bit of narrowing down to do.

places where people i know in person are from:
* Buenos Aires, Argentina
* Krakow, Poland
* Chengdu, China
* Evreaux, France (near Paris)
* slight possibility of somewhere in Spain

places i'm considering because i find something interesting about their society:
* Stockholm, Sweden
* Munich, Germany
* Manchester, England
* Montevideo, Uruguay
* Madrid, Spain

and of course there's guys like onder, bitencourt, ananth etc. that i could stalk, but that might be a bit forward.
Ever though of Tuscany? My parents have been considering renting a villa there for a couple weeks for a relaxing vacation. And there's plenty of places you can go from there: Florence, Milan, Rome, Verona...
Yeah i remember them talking about it while i was up there. What exactly does "Tuscany" entail? Is it a specific location or an area? What's in it that's nice?
It's a province/region in north-central Italy. If you're into the Renaissance it's the place to go.

For example, Florence:


San Gimagniano




You can also catch a train down to Rome for a day-(or two)-trip and Rome is where I've been and it's truly spectacular.
Well it looks like i'll consider going there too. Italians have always struck me as a bit conservative/backwards, i guess, but i really don't know shit.
zabu of nΩd;10140868 said:
and of course there's guys like onder, bitencourt, ananth etc. that i could stalk, but that might be a bit forward.

If you actually decide to show up in Sao Paulo just let me know, it will be a pleasure. I'll get my next vacations on September, most likely.

You're welcome, good Sir. This is a crazy, fun place to be, 24/7 :lol:
zabu of nΩd;10140868 said:
So i'm trying to decide on 3 foreign cities i want to try living in for a few weeks each later this year. Right now i have a bit of narrowing down to do.

places where people i know in person are from:
* Buenos Aires, Argentina
* Krakow, Poland
* Chengdu, China
* Evreaux, France (near Paris)
* slight possibility of somewhere in Spain

places i'm considering because i find something interesting about their society:
* Stockholm, Sweden
* Munich, Germany
* Manchester, England
* Montevideo, Uruguay
* Madrid, Spain

and of course there's guys like onder, bitencourt, ananth etc. that i could stalk, but that might be a bit forward.

Forgot to mention -- i also know someone from Colombia, but he says it's not a friendly place for Americans :lol:
I thought Tuscany didn't any places to stay at

Don't worry man, I saw this gem!

zabu of nΩd;10140868 said:
So i'm trying to decide on 3 foreign cities i want to try living in for a few weeks each later this year. Right now i have a bit of narrowing down to do.

places where people i know in person are from:
* Buenos Aires, Argentina
* Krakow, Poland
* Chengdu, China
* Evreaux, France (near Paris)
* slight possibility of somewhere in Spain

places i'm considering because i find something interesting about their society:
* Stockholm, Sweden
* Munich, Germany
* Manchester, England
* Montevideo, Uruguay
* Madrid, Spain

and of course there's guys like onder, bitencourt, ananth etc. that i could stalk, but that might be a bit forward.

Toying with the idea of a month long summer trip to Poland and Ukraine this year. The EURO 2012 Cup is in both countries and should be a great time.
I'm going to be doing a study abroad program at Oxford over the summer for a month. June 24th-July 27th. If anyone is interested in meeting up somewhere in London I'd be down to hit the pubs.

Also, holy fuck I just hit 4000 posts.