So who the F is Conception??!


Be still, O wand'rer!
Apr 26, 2002

OK so I've heard of them before, mostly around these parts, but other than noticing they feature the brilliant Tore Ostby (Ark's "Burn the Sun" seems to be stuck in my car stereo these days), where should a n00b like me start?

Rank the following in order:

In your Magnitude
The Last Sunset
Parallel Minds

Are they all ultra-rare hard to find CDs?


P.S. If one doesn't much like the vocals of Roy Khan with Kamelot, does one still have a shot at liking Conception?
I like this thread title. I don't get where all these people are coming from creaming their pants over conception, when I have hardly ever heard of them. (And I have been a pretty big metal fan for many years and usually am a fan of a number of the bands on each lineup, and have never had this little familiarity with one of the 4 headliners).
Conception are a mix of Prog and Power. The singer Roy is now in Kamelot and his vocals with Conception are very consistent with what he does with Kamelot. He reminds me alot of Toni Martin from Sabbath with Conception. The music is not orchestrated like Kamelot, but it is progressive at times. I recommend Parrallel Minds to check out. I can see them playing Progpower, but not that high on the bill. Its good stuff and solid.
Unfortunately, since the band was never huge and broke up after Flow in 1997, their more accessible domestic discs (shipped from Germany) on Noise Records went out of print leaving only expensive Japanese imports to fill the void.

1. In Your Multitude

2. Flow (certainly not their heaviest effort, but most excellent. This disc could have been huge if it ever got airplay in the US).

3. Parallel Minds

4. The Last Sunset

Jay - I know you like the heavier bands, so I'd put "Flow" at the bottom of your list.
DrBell said:
I like this thread title. I don't get where all these people are coming from creaming their pants over conception, when I have hardly ever heard of them.

And I can't understand how people who have never heard a song from Conception can't figure out why people like them so much. It's like wondering what all the hype is about sex. Perhaps you need to try it. :ill:
They are one of the most incredible bands I have evr heard and it will truly be a spectacle to see them live in the U.S. They will tear the place down with the opening riff to Roll With Fire. I have loved this band since The Last Sunset and have been listening to them consistently ever since.

This will easily be the best band, imo, to ever grace the PP stage (and that is saying a great deal considering all of the other incredible bands that have played!!!)

I think I am even more stoked than Glenn about this! And Glenn, I was just busting chops with my "Save the show" post!!! You were right about waiting till the lineup was complete before bitching.

Granted, this is still far from the best PP for me, but Stratovarius, Angra, and the mighty return of Conception ain't to shabby!!! I can't wait for September.

Roy and Tore back together one last time on the PP stage. It really doesn't get any better than that. And as for the comment someone made about them being slotted to high; they can't be slotted high enough in my opinion. I could see them closing down the whole show although Stratovarius will definitely take care of that...
Conception is a band I like and dislike at the same time:

Are there any more songs like:
Cardinal Sin-The best song by them
And I Close My Eyes
In Your Multitude

Songs I kind of like:
Roll The Fire
Water Confines
Another World
Under A Mourning Star
A Virtual Lovestory

Songs I don't like:
Missionary Man
Reach Out

Which album would I like the best, I still don't have any
nothing conception has ever put out has disappointed me. same with kamelot. khan's voice is too good. for some reason conception puts me in the mood for cornerstone, and vice versa. i just hope the members of the band that haven't been very active the past 5 or so years will be dedicated enough to be well prepared for the show

Midnight Sun for PP7 :D
I heard of them back when they toured with Gamma Ray. But I was always in the wrong place when that tour rolled around so I never got to see them live.

I am really excitied to see this.

Flow is my favourite album.
ashaman7122 said:
Cool...I just ordered flow...I guess I'll have to "get me some" when it comes in...

What a great way to spin a CD...(sigh)...

Rock on!

HARV! How could you edit that out?? I was just responding that I had the same vision as ashaman, but it didn't gross me out AT ALL!!

:Smug: :tickled:

Oh well, it gave me a laugh, even if I was the only one to see it.


And I can't understand how people who have never heard a song from Conception can't figure out why people like them so much. It's like wondering what all the hype is about sex. Perhaps you need to try it.

that was pee-your-pants funny, and true at the same time. lol. the only reason I can figure out why anyone might not understand the hype over Conception would be that they weren't listening to prog metal when Conception was around.

To answer the question regarding all the hype about Conception, the hype stems from the fact that they had (have?) some of the best musicians ever to grace the world of metal -- for example, look how Kamelot came into the spotlight, just from the addition of Roy Khan -- and they broke up pretty much suddenly, with little or no warning back in the 90s. Those of us who were into underground prog metal at the time were devastated by the loss of one of the best bands ever (and since) in the genre, and this reunion is one of the best things that could happen for us in the genre.

Maybe it's just one of those "you hadda be there" things.

So it seems that I've had Flow for quite some time, and didn't know it! LOL A Brasilian friend of mine sent me a copy of this at LEAST two years ago, and I just remembered that I had it. So I'm spinning it right now.

The best way to describe it so far, is AMBIENT. There's a glowing feeling about this stuff. I'll bet with a really good light show and a very dark arena, this will be one super trippy show to see. Khan sounds so damn emotional. Very melodic, very emotional. The riffage isn't like listening to Evergrey or Shaaman or Rage. It's more like, guitarwork to suit the feeling of the song. A very different flavor than I usually go hunting for.

And y'all are right. This is good music to dance to.

The horizontal mambo!!!
Bryan316 said:
The best way to describe it so far, is AMBIENT. There's a glowing feeling about this stuff. I'll bet with a really good light show and a very dark arena, this will be one super trippy show to see. Khan sounds so damn emotional. Very melodic, very emotional. The riffage isn't like listening to Evergrey or Shaaman or Rage. It's more like, guitarwork to suit the feeling of the song. A very different flavor than I usually go hunting for.

Excellent observation. Tore's a master at those dreamy, emotional slow riffs. Team them with Kahn's melodies and you get some very hyponotic stuff.
I'd say Flow is their best as well... Followed by IOM and PM tied in second... The Last sunset is not as good, but has some killer tracks on it.. :)

I still can't believe it :) I've been to every PP since PP2 and this is by far the band that got me excited the most :)
booB said:
And I can't understand how people who have never heard a song from Conception can't figure out why people like them so much. It's like wondering what all the hype is about sex. Perhaps you need to try it.

that was pee-your-pants funny, and true at the same time. lol. the only reason I can figure out why anyone might not understand the hype over Conception would be that they weren't listening to prog metal when Conception was around.

To answer the question regarding all the hype about Conception, the hype stems from the fact that they had (have?) some of the best musicians ever to grace the world of metal -- for example, look how Kamelot came into the spotlight, just from the addition of Roy Khan -- and they broke up pretty much suddenly, with little or no warning back in the 90s. Those of us who were into underground prog metal at the time were devastated by the loss of one of the best bands ever (and since) in the genre, and this reunion is one of the best things that could happen for us in the genre.

Maybe it's just one of those "you hadda be there" things.

You know how it goes...just about the time you think you know everything that's good in realize you're missing the boat on some very cool band. I consider myself to be very well versed in metal, but I had never heard Conception. I'd heard OF them, but didn't really know WHO they were or what they sounded like...let alone realize their importance in the prog scene. (For that matter, I never got into Ark until just last year...what kind of poseur am I...sheesh!)

Looking back...the time that they were releasing albums was certainly NOT a great time for metal in general. Specifically, it was before the internet age, and depending on where you live, you might not be exposed to a band like them.

That being said...I can't believe I missed the boat on these guys. I've always had my ear to the ground for bands like this, but crap, in the early-to-mid 90s...who was putting on prog albums? DT and FW?...that's about it. the present day...even though Conception's name comes up in the areas of the internet that I frequent, I guess I still never caught on because their albums are long since out-of-print, they are off the radar, etc.

Obviously, I've missed out on something. I scored Flow from e-bay...and it's already on the way. I look forward to spinning it and figuring out what all the hype is about.

If things keep going this way...I'll have to turn in my headbanger merit badge (or something), cuz I think I'm losing it in my old age. Last year, I got into PC69 when they released Thunderdome. Sure...I'd always heard of them, and I knew they spawned Andi Deris, but never really cared. Since last spring, I've collected their entire catalog and embraced them in a big way. I can't believe I haven't been cranking their stuff since 1989...shit!

Currently doing the same thing just right now with Sieges Even, but that's another story...

I'm only one man, and I can't have it all...sigh...but I can dream, can't I? I'm just rambling...

Rock on!
JayKeeley said:

OK so I've heard of them before, mostly around these parts, but other than noticing they feature the brilliant Tore Ostby (Ark's "Burn the Sun" seems to be stuck in my car stereo these days), where should a n00b like me start?

Rank the following in order:

In your Magnitude
The Last Sunset
Parallel Minds

Are they all ultra-rare hard to find CDs?


P.S. If one doesn't much like the vocals of Roy Khan with Kamelot, does one still have a shot at liking Conception?

I personally like Flow best, followed by IYM, then PM. Don't own The Last Sunset.

As for liking them and not Kamelot... actually, the guy who first introduced me to Conception doesn't care at all for Kamelot and loves Conception, so that's possible, but I don't know if that works if you don't like his vocals. To me the most similar songs of Kamelot's to Conception are The Spell and Lunar Sanctum.

ProgMetalFan said:
I've always found tracks like "Gethsemane" and "Angel" to be quite sensual and sultry.

Absolutely. Perfect description. I can't not think about sex when I hear those songs. Especially with Khan singing like that. Very sultry. I like the ballads and all, but, well, they don't do it for me like those two (esp. Angel... "pain is only pleasure in a different shape"... yummy!)

I think the main thing about Conception (particularly Flow) is that the song comes first... everything fits together so well and so seamlessly that it's just a real experience.