I have trouble with Guliani. His gun views are so far left. I don't think I could vote for him.
Absolutely! Most all of his views run leftward...or at least uncomfortably far from the legitimate Right. Why will supposed Conservatives not learn this lesson? Election after election we must settle for an "electable" candidate, who embodies less and less of the traditional Conservative principles. So long as the candidate dutifully mouths some platitude about a "strong defense" and a few invocations of the Hebrew Christ, we are all supposed to believe the next Barry Goldwater is in our midst!
Fah - those of us in New York know that Rudy is no friend to gun-owners to say the very least. He is also fiercely pro-"choice," pro-gay, pro-illegal immigrant(whether he admits it or not - his policies certainly were). Just because the guy handled himself admirably after 9/11 and was relatively tough on crime after the shameful Dinkins years, doesn't negate these things.
I'm not trying to knock Rudy unfairly...but he is about as traditionally Republican/Conservative as the man in the goddamn moon!
How any old-school Conservative can still be enthusiastic about any mainstream Republican candidate these days is beyond me. And for heavens' sake, please don't invoke that pablum about the lesser of two evils...after all these years of settling we have just what we asked for...evil, only somewhat less. How noble...