So...why was the Stryper thread closed?

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Son of The Bitch
Jun 27, 2004
Detroit, MI
The guy didn't do anything wrong and the thread was really valid. I take it when people are being assholes threads just get closed?
Seriously though, I didn't see much wrong with it. He may have been better off posting the thread in "oldschool", but still...
Jean-Pierre said:
The guy didn't do anything wrong and the thread was really valid. I take it when people are being assholes threads just get closed?
MAYBE because there was no music discussion? and maybe because everyone was flaming him just because he said he liked Stryper?

Here's a quarter, buy a clue.
BlizzardOZ said:
You should mate, you'r the only nice person I know around here, thanks for standing for me again... :worship:

He's not the only nice one Blizzard.. there are others like Doden, me, anonymousnick, Saroth (he has a new name though and i forget what it is now) etc.. etc.. anyways i'll give you a word of advice though.. its probably better if you post in the Old School forum because the regs there are more receptive to the groups you like and threads do not get closed there for stupid reasons and we dont have a youngen for a Mod... unless the thread is about extreme metal on this forum (GMD) it will get closed down eventually because GoD will look for any stupid excuse to shut it down and if there isnt any he will ask the regs to do a violation to shut it down... so best you post in Old School... Jeane-Pierre hangs out in OS forum as well...
Unfaithfully Metalhead said:
He's not the only nice one Blizzard.. there are others like Doden, me, anonymousnick, Saroth (he has a new name though and i forget what it is now) etc.. etc.. anyways i'll give you a word of advice though.. its probably better if you post in the Old School forum because the regs there are more receptive to the groups you like and threads do not get closed there for stupid reasons and we dont have a youngen for a Mod... unless the thread is about extreme metal on this forum (GMD) it will get closed down eventually because GoD will look for any stupid excuse to shut it down and if there isnt any he will ask the regs to do a violation to shut it down... so best you post in Old School... Jeane-Pierre hangs out in OS forum as well...
Thanks mate, I guess you'r right!
Cheers :headbang:
What I can't fathom is that how can you have an avatar of the "666" from Deicide's Insineratehymn and then tout the "splendor" of an ultra bible bashing x-tian band such as Stryper. They are the antithesis of everything your avatar stands for.
All bullshit religion dogma aside they are also diametrically opposite musically as well. Don't get me wrong, I like more than just one genre of music, so I'm not saying "if it ain't brutal then it sucks" but Stryper were just plain awful. I remember them far too well..heh heh. I recall when they first formed and created so much hype as "holy metal" with tossing small bible's out into the crowd and all.
Anyways.........whatever floats your boat I guess. I just assumed you were stirring up a shitstorm for the sake of doing so.
Darth Kur said:
What I can't fathom is that how can you have an avatar of the "666" from Deicide's Insineratehymn and then tout the "splendor" of an ultra bible bashing x-tian band such as Stryper. They are the antithesis of everything your avatar stands for.
All bullshit religion dogma aside they are also diametrically opposite musically as well. Don't get me wrong, I like more than just one genre of music, so I'm not saying "if it ain't brutal then it sucks" but Stryper were just plain awful. I remember them far too well..heh heh. I recall when they first formed and created so much hype as "holy metal" with tossing small bible's out into the crowd and all.
Anyways.........whatever floats your boat I guess. I just assumed you were stirring up a shitstorm for the sake of doing so.

I dont think he was trying to stir up shit.. he is new to the site and he thinks it is a "General Music Discussion" forum of which we know its not.. its just a extreme metal forum being selectively MOD'd ... as for the Stryper and Deicide comment about him.. i dont think Blizzard is into the lyrics just the music of the bands... i listen to some BM but i dont believe in the bands beliefs that are sung in their songs.. thats just me though <shrugs> i just listen to it for the music... lyrics are just dressing that i might sing to but not believe in...
exactly....... I don't see a contradiction when someone listens to a satanic band then a christian band if he likes both bands' music.
Darth Kur said:
What I can't fathom is that how can you have an avatar of the "666" from Deicide's Insineratehymn and then tout the "splendor" of an ultra bible bashing x-tian band such as Stryper. They are the antithesis of everything your avatar stands for.

The same reason that a good deal of people here listen to NSBM when they don't go around burning negro churches. This place really pisses me off sometimes with the amounts of dumbfuckery.
AsModEe said:
GoD is still a little kid and has a lot to learn.... like patience.
:lol: oh nixxybaby is a cutie, but yeah, i think that he ought to write his own music essays, rather then trying to steal mine:p
Jean-Pierre said:
The guy didn't do anything wrong and the thread was really valid. I take it when people are being assholes threads just get closed?

Edgecrusher summed up why. I would've thought it was obvious...

GoD is still a little kid and has a lot to learn.... like patience.

Patronising me is just going to make me moderate more strictly. I've been pretty lenient, and I let that thread go for a little while to see if it would evolve into discussion, but nope, the guy was just flamed. I was doing him a favour by closing it, I was hardly punishing him for doing something wrong.

I wish SOT had a moderator like God.

SOT shouldn't be moderated, except when somebody like Stygian or Mighty A creates one of their little spam messes. Particularly not by somebody as biased as Lina. It's supposed to be the forum where people can just enjoy themselves with no set topic, is it not?

GoD's definitely gonna close this thread as well.

It's likely. I'll give people a chance to respond though.

unless the thread is about extreme metal on this forum (GMD) it will get closed down eventually because GoD will look for any stupid excuse to shut it down and if there isnt any he will ask the regs to do a violation to shut it down...

Ha, you've got to be kidding me. I've actually found the forum more boring since becoming moderator - most of the threads don't interest me. Indeed, looking down the list there's only 1 band that's being discussed that I can even stand. Yet I haven't closed them unless they've completely descended into idiocy, or they've been completely redundant. I would've closed the DM recommendation thread if it hadn't already hit full flow by the time I noticed it. I was actually kidding the one time I requested an excuse for me to close a thread.
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