So word is out Steve Smythe and Nevermore split


Sep 2, 2006
So when do we get to hear that Chris is the new "official" 2nd guitarist?
and what's happening with Jag Panzer anything?
If this is true, it is both great and an immense loss.

Steve Smyth is a great guitarist. Chris will undoubtedly fulfill the position with great integrity, though.
Somehow, Loomis and a guitar player that knows theory come across in my mind as a rather awkward combination...

but man, if you get the job chris that'd be sweet, im sure there'd be some damn good results
Somehow, Loomis and a guitar player that knows theory come across in my mind as a rather awkward combination...

but man, if you get the job chris that'd be sweet, im sure there'd be some damn good results

Jeff Loomis doesn't know theory?
Hey Chris !

I think it's destiny's call :) !!! You got to join Nevermore !

I love both Jag Panzer and Nevermore but since J.P. are not that active as Nevermore are you can still be a member of J.P. and we can enjoy you twice.:kickass:

"Chris is the ultimate shred machine" :headbang:
still works for me if he knows jack shit about theory!

haha hell yeah, loomis is without a doubt my biggest influence with solos(no offense chris, i hate to say this but i dont have enough of your works ATM, only one JP cd:(), his stuff has such beautiful melodies
Hey Everyone,

so many things to post about AHAHAHAH. As far as joining Nevermore, thats not my call. I think that they are hesitant of just adding another guitarist because of thier history of second guitarists. As far as I am concerned, I am just happy to be getting out a playing.

As far as joining Nevermore, thats not my call. I think that they are hesitant of just adding another guitarist because of thier history of second guitarists.

Well how different would it be, when you're constantly touring with them, ever since Steve went to hospital... I'm pretty sure you'll be doing studio time with them as well. Maybe you could persuade them to utilize Morrisound studio services, I've always admired their productions (be it Jag Panzer, Death, Iced Earth or Control Denied) and I think it would be great for the band...
Unless of course they don't want to experiment and go with Andy once again.
Well how different would it be, when you're constantly touring with them, ever since Steve went to hospital... I'm pretty sure you'll be doing studio time with them as well. Maybe you could persuade them to utilize Morrisound studio services, I've always admired their productions (be it Jag Panzer, Death, Iced Earth or Control Denied) and I think it would be great for the band...
Unless of course they don't want to experiment and go with Andy once again.

I'm pretty sure it will be another Sneap production (nothing is ever written in stone though).

Take care, Chris.
I don't understand what the problem is. So what if Loomis doesn't know any theory? It doesn't make the song any less amazing. Chris would be a great addition to Nevermore, even if they take Chuck Schuldiner's approach (just playing what sounds good).

If anything, music theory could help if a progression is needed.
Loomis knows theory. How can a lead guitarist not know any theory when playing over a progression/rhythm? :lol: Maybe he meant that his understanding of theory isn't the greatest or he knows the basics.
Ya I'm sure jeff knows "some" theory.
He sure knows his diminished shapes that's for sure,
and apparently he understands Phrygian Dominant
so he's got to know some theory.