So yes, i am an immature fuck...

Is she from Disney? I just googled bangs, and yeah, my heart nearly stopped when I saw her :) And personally, I MUCH prefer taller chicks; my ideal height is between 5'6" and 5'8" (I'm 5'11")
Is she from Disney? I just googled bangs, and yeah, my heart nearly stopped when I saw her :) And personally, I MUCH prefer taller chicks; my ideal height is between 5'6" and 5'8" (I'm 5'11")

Yeah 5'6"-5'7" is ok with me, (I'm 5'9" or so), but same height or taller will never work with me. Love em petite.

Well...if she is ridiculously sexy and hot I can make exceptions. :lol:

Oh wait a second...need to clarify. The pic on the top right....New Kids bangs are bleccccccccckkk.

Asian chick is hotttttttttttttttttt.

Hahahahaha, well said Joe, very subtle :lol:

And Slash, I went to a high school of 3000 for two years, and 49% of the population was Asian (and mostly ugly, it was a super smart HS in Manhattan) - I still love 'em! :D
Oh let me add eastern bloc chicks to the list. I went to high school with a LOT of Russian chicks...some were sooooooo nice. Also most Ukrainian, Bulgarian, Romanian chicks I've seen have shared the hotness!

And Slash, I went to a high school of 3000 for two years, and 49% of the population was Asian (and mostly ugly, it was a super smart HS in Manhattan) - I still love 'em! :D

But have you ever lived with them? That experience ruined it totally for me... worst clash of culture I ever witnessed on my very own.

Haven't had much experience with Japanese so far.

I also lived together with two Romanian girls for a while. At first I thought about engaging into massive threesome action, but they were kinda nasty and their constant iibberish drove me nuts. :lol:

I think the good looking girls are very evenly spread around the globe, but I like to keep it local.
Seems like this thread was never meant to stay on track.

Hahaha, i remember when i was in Finland and saw those!
Laughed my ass off and had to buy them! :lol:

They are actually really good!