Weirdest slogan ever.


Renegade Folk Hero
Jun 11, 2009
N.S.W. Australia
I was helping myself to a cookie and had to refill the cookie jar (there weren't any cookies in it! :mad:) so I grabbed a packet of "Mallow Puffs" out of the pantry and proceeded to empty it into the jar.

Before I threw the pack in the bin I noticed the odd slogan "Have you done enough?" on the bottom of the packet. I couldn't help but wonder what the fuck it meant. Like how personal a question is that to be asked by a packet of cookies, how am I suppose to take that?

Have I done enough to deserve the cookie? You're a knock-off of a much more popular brand of cookies, what exactly do I have to do to deserve the parasitic mediocrity you represent? My next thought was perhaps it was a nod to the recent trend of making people feel bad about themselves for indulging in food. But that again has it's own problems. Have you done enough exercise to be able to eat the cookie without messing up your diet? Well to be honest, no, but if I was so concerned about that sort of thing that 1 cookie made a difference and had me running numbers to see if I could indeed eat the cookie, then I wouldn't be buying fucking cookies would I?. So you just talked yourself out of a sale smart guy.

I am a man with far too much time on his hands to read into things. I make no apologies for that and offer no reparations to any party who feels their time robbed by this thread.
Hahahahahahaha, that was a worthy read as far as I'm concerned dude :lol: Reminds me of the South Park episode where Timmy adopts a retarded turkey and has to set it free so it won't be hunted by turkey killers, and it's one of those horrible heart-wrenching scenes where the master with tears in his eyes has to yell at his beloved pet to go for the pet's own good - then the camera cuts to random people all experiencing horrible things (an old man confessing to his son that he regrets that he's wasted his whole life, a little girl sobbing because her dog got hit by a car, a woman confronting her boyfriend/husband about why he cheated on her), and then a narrator-type woman saying something like "have you been a good person today?"

I know it doesn't sound particularly funny, and in a way it isn't, because the writing and acting isn't particularly exaggerated or anything, it's quite believable, but I dunno, to me the humor is imagining Matt and Trey saying something like "oh man, this is just the most heartbreaking thing scene we could ever write, so let's just cram in every other possible thing as well to make it the saddest scene EVAR!!!" :lol:

Now they just make pop culture references :goggly:
:lol: I enjoyed reading this, dude. I've noticed a similar pattern with most ads. I became more increasingly aware of suggestive or negative hints or connotations the more I started to pay attention to television here in Melbourne. I'm sorry not to have examples on hand to prove a point but I felt it was worth a mention after reading your posted similar experience. I'll try to keep a look out and post my observations back here, just for because.