who own your own studios....


Ultimate Meatbag
Sep 2, 2001
Spokane, WA
How did you get it started? Loans? Grants? Blowjobs for bankers? Lets hear it! I'm wanting to start my own thing and I'd like to know how those of you who have it going already got the ball rolling.
I have to say that I did it the bad way... $40,000+ in CC debt.. but I do more than just audio (Print/web/audio/video/3d.) so gear and software add up very quickly. I do have a very good job, so it doesn't stress me so much and should be paid off in another year.. I think of it as a student loan! My singer went to Full Fail here in Orlando and for one year it costs $40,000.. and he now works at chilies with no gear/experience to show for it and a 20 year loan at $350/ month... I bought the gear and thanks to great resources such as this board have taught myself...