How much do you listen to your own songs?

When I´m doing demo stuff for my band, I listen to it a lot in a playlist with some great other songs. Just to make sure that arrangment and riffs arent to poor;)

When I´m tracking bands I always make one to two days off and then listening to it extremly often!!!!
Just because of the simple fact that your mind can trick you very easily!!!! So I´m also not that experienced so I check and check and check and 1000 times.

For me mixing is more about editing and listening instead of turning nobs ;)
I don't really compose stuff anymore... plus I'm just a drummer so I never really did much anyway..

But once I'm finished composing, recording and mixing a song, I usually never want to hear it again.
It depends. Stuff I was involved in writing, never - once I've burnt out the final copy, I basically never listen to it again (unless I'm playing it for someone else or something). I know that I'll never think it's perfect and that I'll be massively over-critical about everything, so there's not much to gain from it. With one of my old bands we had a couple of EPs out on a small label, and I've literally never heard the end results - I don't even own copies of the CDs. That was mainly because the band was terrible though :p

If it's something I've just mixed, I do occasionally dig them out, normally because I like the music.

If I'm satisfied with how it turned out, I do listen to them. For example, I quite often listen to two songs of the demo I recorded and mixed with one of the bands I play in. It's because I like the songs (they're my favourites when we practice them or play them live too) and I'm quite happy with how they turned out on the demo. The three other songs I don't really listen to.

If I'm not happy with something, I don't really listen to them at all. I have some recordings I've played on that I've only listened a handful of times, such as the last recording I did, which was the first demo of a band I play in. I do not like the mix at all (I only played on it) and how it sounds overall somehow bothers me a lot. Just checked from iTunes, I've probably listened to it about 7 or 8 times (and it's only 3 songs), the rest is random plays from when I've had my iPod on shuffle. I just do not like listening to it. It feels kind of weird to promote it to people when I really do not like listening to it myself :goggly:
It has always felt "wrong" for me to listen to my own songs. Take the project below in my signature for example; I've probably only listened to that EP or whatever you'd call it like 4-5 times since it was finished on summer 2008. It's not because I don't like it... but I just feel like all I can do is start looking up again and continuing walking down that road to find new things =) Guess I have never wanted to "stop" for a second.. not sure what it's all about. Anyway, right now I feel like my next project is going to be fucking kick ass and all, but I'm pretty sure I'll never listen to it either after it's finished :D
I have some shit my mate recorded ages ago (I wrote all the music, he did some lyrics) that I still listen to from time to time. He had no real knowledge of AE and he just mixed it all on computer speakers, so sonically it sounded pretty bad, but ultimately a lot of our friends loved listening to it simply because they loved the music.
The first song we ever recorded, within a week we had heard it at least 30 times, due to it always being played at any of our friend's houses.
I listen to my stuff a lot. Maybe too much. But I enjoy it. I mean, that's the whole reason I make music, to make myself happy. Granted, the songs I don't like as well I may not listen to as much, but in general I listen to my own music as much if not more than any other CD. Part of it is the enjoyment of hearing my songs, the other is hearing the production/mix/master I gave it. I'm super critical of all aspects of the stuff I do, so I find I accomplish 2 things listening so much...Learning of my mistakes and missteps all the while basking in the glory of my creation (haha ;)). I really don't care what people think of me from listening too much, nor what they think of the music I suppose, although we all want to be liked, right?

While it may seem narcissistic to some, I think most "true to themselves" people can be objective about their work, all the while enjoying it immensely.
I don't write and record a lot of my own music, but when I do get something down I usually listen to it quite a bit.

I am like most people, I don't consider myself the best musician in the world, but I am damn good at sounding like me and I really enjoy hearing parts that I've written that come together well and have a great vibe to them.

If I could be in a band that just wrote 10-30 second bumpers of music for TV shows and movies, I'd be stoked. :D
My favourite band = mine :lol:

Wow, I wish I could be like that. I think this is what is needed to really push your music out there... you have to believe in your own music and you have to love it more than any other music. I don't know why it feels so wrong for me though. I would NEVER be able to say what you just said Erik, no matter how good my band (well, "next" band since I'm not in a band atm) would be. Really strange... must be some phobia or some other psychological shit :D
I don't really compose stuff anymore... plus I'm just a drummer so I never really did much anyway..

But once I'm finished composing, recording and mixing a song, I usually never want to hear it again.

I'm sorry but this actually made me laugh in a library. :kickass:
I usually listen a lot to my own songs because I end the writing of a song only when I have decided it sounds good enough for me.

I'm more one of those who enjoys the song on its whole, I'm not too micromaniac. I was but now I can easily have pleasure listening to my songs, and I like to forget a song for a few days to rediscover it. It helps like nothing else can do.
I listen to my songs until I hate them, don't listen to them at all, come back and enjoy them later.

I have a love/hate relationship with everything in my life though, women, alcohol, family, myself, one minute I'll be satisfied the next I'll be a raving lunatic about everything, I'm probably a bit bi polar.
i pretty much listen for studying purposes, i play along to them alot for practice but i never like rock the fuck out to them.. but its always exciting after they are first recorded!
In all honesty, what motivated to begin recording was the fact that i wanted to listen to my compositions in a better tone than Guitar Pro's midi render :P


i listen to tracks a hell of a lot in the writing process, tweaking and tweaking til im happy, then they get left to one side until its time to record by which time i can alter a few bits that i've gone off since then!