
Reign in Acai

Of Elephant and Man
Jun 25, 2003
Favela of My Dismay
Which is your brand of preference? I'm quite the fan of Irish Spring, but recently picked up a 3pack of Dove which I found on sale. This may be the most brittle bar of soap that I've ever used. While Irish Spring will wither away to a thin sliver before crumbling in your palm, Dove will disintegrate in to white chunklets after 3 uses. This soap may be ideal for Frenchmen and/or Armenians who rinse every other season, but it doesn't work for manly men who get their hands greasy while running an RC/HDP simulcast. I want the strength of Lava, with the lather of Lever2000, with the subtle scent of an Irish cottage. Ideally, no residue, fully moisturizing, with traces of lavender/other pleasant odors to instill that fresh out of the fields crispness that tenderly acknowledges a day's labor by way of porous stimuli.

Fuck Body Washes, Loofas, and any of that other Ghaal shit. They are useless in the battle against the condition known as "Turk Taint".
Dove bars motherfuckers, the pink ones too.

I would like my defamatory comments against the bar to be stricken from the record. I was actually thinking of Ivory. Worst fucking soap ever, along with being extremely insensitive towards proponents for the ethical treatment of animals. How dare they mock their plight! What's next, a dish washing detergent geared towards African Americans named, "work"?
Irish Spring body wash ON A LOOFAH. Yeah, bar soap sucks, except good quality glycerin soaps such as Clearly Natural, or even the store brand glycerin soaps from Whole Foods. Oh yeah, Whole Foods' store brand mint body wash is awesome. I'm going there this weekend just fer it.
that explains a lot.

I use: whatever is cheapest at the store. (ironically, it usually has the best ratings with the product review association around here, versus all the brand name shit which gets mediocre ratings)-.
barnängens barntvål exclusively, liquid soap is bullshit


actually this is the only hygiene product i use except deodorant

ask me about not using shampoo

(ironically, it usually has the best ratings with the product review association around here, versus all the brand name shit which gets mediocre ratings)-.
you read product reviews of soap (you're gay)
Oh Erik, why don't you use shampoo?

see i have long hair and it has always been of pretty shit quality, so when i wash it it gets too dry and then immediately gets greasy like a day later -- therefore i've always washed it with shampoo & conditioner every day or every other day

but at some point on the internet i read about how shampoo works -- it removes all the natural oils from your hair with some pretty harsh synthetic chemicals, and then the point of conditioner is to artifically restore some of that moisture -- but what happens is that the body counters the harsh cleansing by producing even more oil, and then it turns into a vicious cycle where you have to shampoo more to get rid of the excessive oils produced by shampooing a lot -- i.e. it's a CONSPIRACY by the MULTI NATIONAL SHAMPOO COMPANIES to get you to BUY more of their BULLSHIT

and anyway, apparently (again, according to the internet) some people have been very successful just ditching shampoo altogether so i decided to experiment like a month ago and just stop using shampoo (initially it was because i couldn't afford a new bottle when i was flat broke but then i just kinda rolled with it)

after a transitional period of extreme greasiness now it feels a lot better and i can go for a week or so without washing, and when i wash i use water only or baking soda (ya) to get some of the shit out, it works well and is thrifty and all

man they didn't even INVENT shampoo until like 1930 or some shit (also it's full of poisonous chemicals haha i'm a hippie)