SOB live again Nov/Dec

dan of bereavement

shroud of bereavement
Jun 6, 2004
Amesbury mass
Yeah, its only been like 2 years since our last show, but I am proud to say that the new lineup is fully functional and sounding better than ever...

Our "back to the live circut" show will be a smaller under the radar type of thing in Providence RI at club DUSK on November 28th with Barren Oak and Faces Of Bayon

Also, Chris' BDay party at Ralph's Diner in Worchester Ma. is on Sat Dec 15th more details as they come

Shroud will be playing a new set with new songs even one that no one has ever heard, I'm actually pretty excited for this moment....
Also, we plan to have all of our cd's available including the new EP and shirts.
I will see what I can do. There are a lot more places to play here now, so something can be set up.

Yes, it has been way too long since posting here. Also, been way too long since hanging out.
Indeed, anytime you want to hang man, lemmie know! The bassist from my other band the guy from Morgion comes down on fridays, perhaps you can catch a ride, or follow him down to our jamroom in Dover? Playing in Main is always fun bro!
Ha hah a!!!! MOCHA!!! Man, we need a show in Maine again, that first show I met you at was awesome, and I miss the huge SOB parties and all the cool shows we used to attend together. Life is so short man, time just flies :(

Anyways, I made an official thread for live shows and fliers, so that way I wont have to change the header each time hah a. I think I will stick it to the top too.
Actually, the first time we saw each other was at Metal Nation in North Carolina, which was a good time. But Northern Aggression was pretty memorable though if you remember what I mean, haha. Then we hung out at other stuff too, and I even traveled with you guys to other states. So, there are some fond memories. But yeah, we need to start doing that again. It is always a good time that is for sure.
I wish I could have been there too. But I had my radio show on Wednesday and Thursday, so it would have been difficult. Plus in October I took some time off. I took the Wednesday and Thursday off when the Anthrax tour came through. I took an unplanned day off due to the internet spazzing out and then losing power during Hurricane Sandy caused me to miss doing two shows. I am the owner of the station, but I don't want to take off too much time if you know what I mean.