Social Networking and Live Music Attendance Survey


New Metal Member
Feb 19, 2012

I'm doing some research for university, I'm interested in finding out who influences your decisions to go to live gigs and the music you listen to? Is it your friends offline or online that have the most influence? Who do you discuss the experiences with before and after?

Please take a couple of minutes to complete my survey. There's money in it for you, every fully completed survey is entered into a draw to win a £50 Amazon voucher which you can spend on music of your choice!

Your help is really appreciated...thank you!
This is a metal board. You don't even have metal listed on that survey. That's like asking people what their favorite kind of meet is but not giving the option of beef or chicken. :hahamiddlefinger:
point taken but i could only have a certain number of genres, plus I have the 'other' genre option as well :Spin:
point taken but i could only have a certain number of genres, plus I have the 'other' genre option as well :Spin:

I feel like the other genre option is just throwing metal music into a pile of who gives a shit.

You could probably combine Dance and Electronica and get rid of soundtracks. Maybe combine classical and easy listening music. That's just my useless 2 cents though.

Anyways I got a little ways into your survey until I had to stop because I couldn't remember all my buying progress and concert attendances in the last six months to a year.