SODOM Hannover 16-09-05/ TANKARD Schrecksbach 17-09-05


Thrash Bastard
Apr 2, 2005
OK guys! I saw fucking Sodom! we left friday morning, drove 410 km's to Hannover. We booked a hotel there so we checked in and we left to search the venue. luckily we found it pretty soon, it was an old factory but it was pretty quiet still 18:00 though....we even asked a lady if Sodom was really playing but she confrmed.

Anyway we looked for a nice restaurant close to the venue and found a nice greek restaurant, but first we encountered this!


SO after the meal we went to the hall, and there were quite some people waiting outside already most had brought thier own beer LOL! we could get in at 19:30 so first thing we did was check out the merchandise and we bought some shirts. Then we had a nice german beer in a comfortable sofa in the bar at Faust.


The First band started pretty soon they were called WINTERDOME, but they were boring as fuck, some kinda gothic/folk metal I didn't like it one bit! After them FATAL EMBRACE played and the hall started to fill up a little, they were pretty cool old school thrash metal but the sound from the PA was not too good....and in the end they just lacked the songs Sodom has.

Anyway the Faust was a pretty big club with a capacity of about 1,000 people, it wasn't a sellout but at the time VENDETTA took the stage it was pretty crowded, I think about 750-800 people inside! VENDETTA was ultra cool, I only knew their old recordings from the 80's "brain damage" and "go and live...stay and die" they were tight and played killer old school german technical thrash, their bassplayer was very very skilled! They introduced some new songs which are promising for the new album, I just hope they'll find a record label to release it. The PA sound had gotten pretty decent by now BTW!




BUT NOW! it was time for the masters of German thrash themselves, it was crowded, and sweaty hot in the club! they people started to chant "SODOM, SODOM!!" killer! The sounds was crystal clear and I have to say I never saw such a good SODOM show when they started out with "among the weirdkong" from the "M-16" album a huge moshpit was created which lasted for the full 70-minute set!!!!! and an intense moshpit it was....I was soaked after just 5 minutes LOL!

Nowadays SODOM do not only have the best songs in German thrash but they are shure as hell not the messy, sloppy bunch anymore they used to be in the past, they are SERIOUS competition for DESTRUCTION and KREATOR in this form on the live front! Bobby was tight as hell and he has grown tremendously as a drummer after 10 years with SODOM, Bernemann as very good too, banging constantly, and Tom.....well he's Tom shure one of Thrash Metal's most iconic frontmen!

Second song was "The Vice Of Kiling" after that I lost it a bit in the pit but they played these songs: "outbreak of evil", "blasphemer", "witching metal", "sodomized", "Aber Bitte Mit Sahne", "Der Wachtturm", "Die Stumme Ursel", "Sodomy & Lust", "The Saw Is The Law", "Napalm In THe Morning", "Stalinorgel", "Bombenhagel" and maybe some more I don;t know anymore...the only letdown was they omitted "Agent Orange", "Nuclear Winter" and "Ausgebombt" but hey they were awesome! A special surprise came in the form of ANY BRINGS he came on stage and played four songs from his period with the band togheter with SODOM, but to be honest I didn;t like it too much they played the punky fun songs for the most part, I'd rather have heared "Agent Orange" or "Nuclear Winter" instead...

After the show there was the DVD presentation on a big screen, awesome stuff sadly only in German, they didn;t include the subtitles (we were in Hannover after all, but no worry I speak German pretty well), awesome trailer, pretty long too at least 20 minutes. Lots of interviews and old stuff from gigs and TV appearances, interviews with fellow musicians and ex-members, Label bosses etc etc! The Concert Film was AWESOME quality you guys thought "One Night In Bangkok" was good? Just check this stuff!

Anyway here's some pics:










OK we were back at the Hotel at 2:00 AM pretty drunk of course, we went to sleep but only very short since we had to check out before 9:00 (!!!!!!).
After breakfast and checking out we checked the citty centre of Hannover but it was pretty boring that early in the morning and we could find no interesting CD shops....

So Off to Schrecksbach were TANKARD played last night, stopped over in Kassel (it was another 250 km drive) and had something to eat. We checked in at a hotel in Alsfeld 12 km from Schrecksbach first an hour rest since we were pretty tired, of course we had a couple of pints again that afternoon in Kassel at lunch! So we ate something at the local McDonalds and off to Bullblast festival 2005 with TANKARD headlining.

WTF! we were really in the middle of nowhere, only farms and fields and VERY tiny villages....but it was true in the "Mehrzweckshalle" in the "cantre" of the 3,300 population village of Schrecksback there was some activity! It turned out GREAT! theere were quite a lot of people though the hall was probably suited to hold 1,500 people and of course there werent that many, but it was acceptable busy....

IT was awesome we were checking out the first band as Gerre walked by and he recognized us and immediately took us backstage and gave us beer and stuf, so we had a killer time with the band and Gerre (he is really crazy!) backstage and the organizers were very very nice to us too...

TANKARD played a killer and VERY long set with all the classics and a few rare songs like "nation over nation" and one song from the "THE TANKARD" album killer performance and of course we got very very drunk! after saying goodbye to the guys from TANKARD and the organizers we went back to the hotel were we arrived at 3:15 AM, and this morning at 10:30 we drove 500 km's back to Holland...after a KILLER thrash weekend!







Oh BTW here's the new SODOM shirt and the tourposter which we bought at the show!



Tankard kicks ass. I hung out with them in their dressing room when they played in CZ, back in, I guess, 99, or 2000...
tankard is great!!! i was to the" killer fest "at chaulnes (france), the band is cool!