Softube Metal Amp Room


May 19, 2008
Can you load impulses like Redwirez into it? Or can you at least shut off the cabinet and use your own impulse loader?

What do you guys think of the software, is it worth the money? I heard some samples and they sounded ok. I would like to get some opinions from people that own it.
I think you can get a decent result with it but using impulses. Here is an example where I used MAR + impulse (check the last post) A real amp will always sound better tho :)
Thanks man, appreciated. If you can't afford a real amp (with good cab, etc.) it's a good deal imo.
I believe that there are some other great amp sim such as Revalver..... Never tried them so I don't know if they can work with third impulses...
They are pretty good I guess. The cabs are pretty limited if I remember correctly. In that sense I'd personally get Overloud TH 1 or 2 so you can save IRs within the patches without using third party plugins. Overloud might cost more though I'm not sure.

Overloud is a lot better so I'd say get that one if you're really looking into this.
I have tried all the free ones, I own Revalver and Scuffham, just cant seem to find anything that works for me. All the samples sound good, but they never sound that good on my stuff. I guess I will try TH2.
With the free ones, did you try it with Bootsy FerricTDS or Stillwell Rocket at the beginning or end of the chain?

You can try TH2 without an ilok now. It sounds good and the effects are pretty good. I wish there was more than just the Lynch Box though.
Im a big fan of MAR, you can disable the Cabs but you cant load IR's, you have to insert you own IR loader after the MAR plugin.
I think the cabs are pretty good though with lots of potential when you move the mics around, but like a real mic'd cab in a studio you need to take the time to find good mic positions.