Soilwork 12/8


As Good As Dead
Jun 7, 2002
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They will be at the Pound this coming Monday, and I can't make it, I'll be out of state! I remember them coming around mid-summer with In Flames and Chimaira, an outdoor show at the Pound -- I missed half of Soilwork's set due to that goddamn Bay Area traffic -- now I'll miss it again!

Hope you all go and report on one of my favorite bands...
Soilwork is an interesting band....
i used to love them in their early days.. they were fresh, different and interesting.
when they released Natural Born Chaos it was the beginning of the fall, but at least it had some nice moments and in fact.. the CD is pretty good.
it seemed like they are toying with their own music.. breaking the rules of death metal, and re-building it all in one album...

has anyone listened to their latest album ????
is it metal at all ?
it sounds more like rock music to me, im serious.
its so fucking bad.

anyways... have fun at the gig.
No offense we are are entitlted to our opinions but I love all Soilwork. Old and new and well I like FNF alot, and if you don't think its metal than well listen to the title track again. I know it's a bit different than earlier stuff but thats what evolution is all about. people bitch when the music stays the same and when it changes, its always going to be like that. The great thing about the last two albums is at least they are touring the states now. Saw them Monday at the Pound and they kicked massive ass, Speed was dead on. Also Hippie of Doom likes them so I can't be in that bad of company \m/(><)\m/

Bear, im really the last person who will bitch about evolution in music, i like evolution in music, and i love Soilwork, i just think their last album is very weak.

yeah they have some good songs there, like the title track - as you said and were right, it is a good song.
but i guess i expected too much.. i really didnt like this album.

oh well, i guess its just me then :)

and i really dont care if "Hippie of Doom" liked it, :lol: i have my own opinions.. hehe
and yeah i know you were kidding about that :D