soilwork like nickelback


free thinker
Jul 21, 2002
north of italy
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i listen to all new soilwork

i now i am sure it suck!:(

nu metal americanization!?:cry:

i think that devin townsend take nothing special in it.

however only track that i like is BLACK STAR DECEIVER.

to me is tragedy.

:D :D :D :D :D :D
but the matter is not if dev is american or canadian...

i have a general sensation of a much more american sound kind of sunny melody and nu metal melodic parts!

i have listen to it 2 times and the only track that i really like is black star deceiver in wich dev does good work...

the rest is pretty boring ...

and a serious lack of energy!

soilwork once time was a unique group now is one of many

i am sad of it:cry:
I think it all depends on what songs you're talking about in terms of choruses. Some of them I could do without, but there are a couple that are just awesome, like Follow The Hollow and the title track. I was pleased with this new album though and I'm already looking forward to their next one.
to me this albumis weak!

not ugly at all!

prevoius album were strong!

i always think of soilwork as a strong band!

so i am not able to listen this way that they have take!

i'm sorry of it!:D
americanisation , devy is canadian and soilwork sweedish , so what , we are speaking of influences. i just listened to that album 1 time and i must admit it was enough for me. their earlier stuff was way better , they did like inflames , they comercialized their music and devy influences , devy produced the album he did no composed anything of it. still its better than many things (speaking of metal , of course) but its less good than many things as well.
Originally posted by FFfan1
I think it all depends on what songs you're talking about in terms of choruses. Some of them I could do without, but there are a couple that are just awesome, like Follow The Hollow and the title track. I was pleased with this new album though and I'm already looking forward to their next one.

You've read my mind. Some of the 'poppy' choruses, if they may be called such, really don't fit the music which often has to change completely to fit the chorus in.

And by Americanisation, he means the sound, not the bloody country the artist is from!! It's not that complicated a concept, really.
Originally posted by OceanbarD
americanisation , devy is canadian and soilwork sweedish , so what , we are speaking of influences. i just listened to that album 1 time and i must admit it was enough for me. their earlier stuff was way better , they did like inflames , they comercialized their music and devy influences , devy produced the album he did no composed anything of it. still its better than many things (speaking of metal , of course) but its less good than many things as well.

Commercialized their music? like In Flames? WTF? What are you talking about? I think you might have mixed up a few things here, melodic doesn't mean commercial. True enough Soilwork are more melodic now than they were, same with In Flames, but in no way they are commercial, you'll never hear that type of heaviness on radio. The songs are still way too fast and uses way too much growled/screamed vocals to be radio anytime soon. I might point out that changing your sound and evolving in your songwriting is called growth not commercializing. I don't know where the two of you find any americanization in there because if anything, metal has been more melodic in Europe than in the United States in the past 15 years. I have no idea where the nu-metal reference is too, perhaps the guitars are a little more downtuned than before but that's the only thing I can see. That said, having downtuned guitars has nothing to do with nu-metal, are Meshuggah nu-metal? They are downtuned as fuck on Nothing... You might not enjoy the new album of both In Flames and Soilwork but I don't think you have basis for calling it commercial or nu-metal. What you're saying is like saying that Tom Waits is commercial crap because he is folk-based, it doesn't make any sense...
Soilwork = yawn

I really fail to see all the hype about this band.I really dont think that they have brought anything particularly new to the table, or interesting either.

And i must say i am suprised that you think BSD is the best track on the album, i would personally say its by far the worst.
probally just because devy sings on it. because i have to agree that i didnt noticed anything special there (at least for this last album) i said it before ill say it again , i listened to this album 1 time and it was enough for me.
Originally posted by Dreamlord
I agree with dimensionidol. Soilwork blows. Very boring.


ps. it's my first post in this forum... hello everybody ;)
Originally posted by Dreamlord
I agree with dimensionidol. Soilwork blows. Very boring.

but only in the new album...

'cause i was a great fan of soilwork expecially when they put out chainheart machine.

but now ....

however i listen to it well and i realize that there is no nu metal in it.

but i still do not like this way ...

is too melodic for me...

soilwork made 3 album in an energetic trashing way...

this is a lack of power...

i don't know but i am not able to think another way!

Originally posted by dimensionidol
but only in the new album...

of course :D i still love two first albums, esp. "Steelbath" - great At The Gates rip off ;) and i like some tracks from "Predator's", but now they play pop or nu metal... :mad: