Soilwork new album....Dev singing or just cheating

Sep 7, 2006
The new Soilwork album...track 10, "Sick Heart River", decent song but...

From the footage on the bonus DVD and from seeing other live clips it's blindingly obvious Speed can't hit notes within 2 octaves of the notes in the chorus of this track without virtually pushing his lungs out of his arse. On the DVD Mr Townsend and Speed claim "no Autotune"...I suspect some guest vocals on this one, anyone else think so?
Definitely Speed. Defintely notes he can hit just fine. Reminds me of all the "guest vocal" rumors that surrouned Natural Born Chaos (obviously Devin guested on "Blackstar Deceiver" but people accused them of more than that around that time.)

You have to consider that Speed was tracking all the vocals for 3+ songs a day, so some of that footage is him after a lot of tracking and not up to his absolute best.
I'm calling bullshit - I saw him live and he has all the range he needs and then some. Two fucking feet away from the guy, I would have known if something was up - I was looking.

He's been taking vocal lessons for the last while and being really dedicated to improving his singing and his range anyways.

Here's another one voting against you.
I'm with Jeff, saw them live in Cardiff last year in a venue the size of my living room stood touching distance from Speed and he nailed everything.