Soilwork - The Living Infinite

I had the same opinion about this album at first, but it has definitely grown on me. Easily my favorite Soilwork album since Stabbing The Drama now. The more you listen to it, the more you hear new things -- like how subtle yet complex the guitar playing and song structures actually are. Great stuff.
Album takes a few spins to sit well, and the songs work realllllly fucking well live.

And considering all the primary songwriters are long gone and Bjorn is having to kind of... almost re-start something with new guys and everything, its pretty impressive.

Great album.
Been listenning to The Living Infinite for one year straight without really noticing.

Like it or not but I'm sure no one will deny the great deal of work put into the songwriting, the arrangements and the overall production.
Yes, it was definitely one of the best albums of 2013, but I can't help to think that it didn't really need to be a double CD release. There are some filler songs in there that weaken the whole album in my opinion.
I have to agree with 20 songs is a bit to much, but still even some of the filler songs are still pretty good.

Saw them yesterday in Dordrecht and goddamn they just killed it! Awesome setlist as well, great balance between new and old songs.
And as icing on the cake i scored The Chainheart Machine on a white vinyl for 7 euro's :)
Love this album, I don't hear any filler at all. While none of the songs alone will ever replace any of their more "iconic" songs for me (Natural Born Chaos and Figure Number Five era, mostly), I think as a whole, it might honestly be my favorite Soilwork release ever. I never would have imagined myself saying such a thing, and I know that sounds pretty treasonous with Wichers being gone and all (one of my all-time favorite guitarists/writers), but I can't deny that it's damn good album. Dirk told me that he contributed a lot to the song structuring, transitions, etc, and having worked with him on the Loomis record, I can definitely hear his influence.
I agree there's a lot of filler but I still think it's their best album musically since Figure Number Five, and definitely their best production ever IMO, fucking love the mix and that guitar tone!

Totally agree regarding the overall production and mix. Jens really put the bar very high on this one. Listenning to the album with a decent pair of headphones is quite à rewarding experience.

If anyone's got a any informations about the whole album recording and mixing, I'd be thankful if you could post them here.