Solace and Stable demo tracks

Dude, I really like these tunes! Kinda like a modernized Shai Hulud!!

As for the mix, don't love the snare sound (kinda dominates the mids too much IMO). Guitars could use some more beef too... maybe they could just come up in the mix slightly (or the guitar/bass blend needs to be balanced a little better towards the lowend). Vocals sound pretty good to me.

Keep it up!
Dude, I really like these tunes! Kinda like a modernized Shai Hulud!!

As for the mix, don't love the snare sound (kinda dominates the mids too much IMO). Guitars could use some more beef too... maybe they could just come up in the mix slightly (or the guitar/bass blend needs to be balanced a little better towards the lowend). Vocals sound pretty good to me.

Keep it up!

Thanks alot for the your feedback man! It's funny we get compared to Shai Hulud alot. I write all the music, but I never listen to that band. I definitely agree with your concerns with the mix. I will put these changes into affect, and see if I can't get it sounding better.