First of all I wanna say that an acoustic guitar is not sappy and lame. Opeth used them and a lot of people seem to like them, (I never got into them.) Some of the best metal songs I've ever heard switch to an acoustic for a section of the song and go back into balls out distorted guitars. The variety really adds a lot to a song, so never shoot down other instruments to make your song better! Let your song grow and speak the way it should speak.
As for the recording. Absolutely do not mic an acoustic amp for recording! You have a speaker that won't be colored, and is the REAL sound...the guitar! Typically you have a condensor mic around the 12th fret of the guitar. Move it closer to the body of the guitar to get more bass, farther away to thin it out some more. I would guess that you would move it closer to the body since its an ovation (I hate those honestly, not the same as a REAL acoustic...) In the cases that I've recorded acoustics, and had someone record me, I've had another mic elsewhere. It really has varied.
One was right above me as I sat, another one was near the headstock around the 5th fret, and another one was at the end of the body at the bottom of the guitar. I would suggest experimenting with those placements, but the main thing is the mic by the 12th fret!
Give it a shot and post again bro. I'm gonna find a link that'll elaborate more on what I was talking about. I'll get back to you today or tomorrow.