Some Anathema Images


Some Anathema Images
sHARe your ANATHEMA images with us...

This is one old ph0t0...


Anathema, 9.1.94. at the Negativ in Frankfurt... :D
so now we will beg sopel to do next xompetition and we'll know the answers and won't forgot to anwer the questions.... pleasee sopel :)
and of course reward will be: 2 week holiday with whole band in some great place which we will imagine :}
Faelivrin said:
so now we will beg sopel to do next xompetition and we'll know the answers and won't forgot to anwer the questions.... pleasee sopel :)
and of course reward will be: 2 week holiday with whole band in some great place which we will imagine :}
Faelivrin said:
so now we will beg sopel to do next xompetition and we'll know the answers and won't forgot to anwer the questions.... pleasee sopel :)

i was going to make one, but the prize got stuck (possibly stolen) somewhere in one of european post offices. sorry.
Loona said:
european post offices are just like that... f**k them, I have some sad experiences as well
In SOME countries the mail actually WORKS... but ah well, I got bad experiences when it comes to the mail-services too, though only abroad when it comes to things getting "lost".