Some changes!


Apr 19, 2005
Baarlo, The Netherlands
Well, the subject probably gave you a hart attack, but don't worry, I only inform you about a few improvements we try to arrange this year:

- First of all, people who ordered a weekend ticket will get a whristband this year. I know many of you requested for this, so we hope you like the idea. We are not sure what we will do with people who order day tickets.
- Signing sessions. Yes, we are trying to do our best to arrange this. We already got confirmations from JOP (before the gig) and SHADOW GALLERY (after the gig) to participate. Most likely the signing sessions will be held in the basement, of course before we start the after parties!
- Outside Sjiwa, some food will be available like soup, hamburgers, sandwiches, etc. For french fries or other snacks we advise you to visit one of the snackbars. And of course don't forget to visit the Chinese restaurant, the best in Europe!
- Camera policy. We still allow everyone to take pictues, but please respect all the other visitors. This year it will be really crowdy (Saturday is almost sold out now) so we prefer you guys do not disturb people to get a good spot for taking pictures. If we notice any trouble we will forbid everyone to bring in a camera, except the people from the press. So please respect all other fans.

See you all in just 2 weeks!
