Are we ready?

Man, was my first PP really seven years ago? That doesn't sound right.

Well, we're all getting old... and awesome. Or in my case, awesomer. To another year!
3 chips instead of 1 chip for 0.5 litres of beer, whereas 3 of those small toy glasses would be 3 * 0.2 = 0.6 litres for the same money. You don't have to be Einstein to find the best solution to maximize your alcohol consumption for a given amount of money. That's a good example for the importance of basic mathematics in everyday life. :goggly:

So does this take into account 3 x gigantic heads on the top of the beers ?
I'm just guessing here, i've not seen them yet.
Looks like we're all ready for a great and special weekend, but it will be different this year tho.......



....they will be missed :cry:


Hahaha thank you all and we miss ALL OF YOU too! Indeed, we are doing very well here in Canada, we have jobs, bought a house, have a family again (4 beautiful and lovely cats) and are very happy here (more on - but of course you miss a few things from Europe... well, not so much things, but people. Some family members, some ex co-workers, some neighbours, some friends... and you bet we miss our ProgPower FAMILY!! I just now browsed through the forum and pictures to see how it all was. Got me choked up a bit but oh well. We have no plans yet to visit EU again (next year my family plans to come over here first), but one year we WILL come and party with you again!!!
I think it's great that this festival has been going for so many years and doing so well. I really hope to be able to come over for it oneday. I went to the two PP's here in the Uk, and it was thanks to the festival that I discovered the PP genre and all the wonderful bands I listen to today.

I am still deeply saddend that the Uk ProgPower festival is no more. It just makes no sense to me.

Here's to many many more prosperous years for all the other PP's though! :kickass: