Hi there,

this is Jon from the band NEED.We have just released our second album "Siamese God" with our own brand of progressive and I think we'd make a great addition to the PP line-up :kickass:

The album is uploaded in its entirety @
We'll be on a european tour with JON OLIVA'S PAIN in October anyhow so you might wanna check us out then :rock:

We'd appreciate any feedback!Cheers to all,
I agree, Solution.45 is a nice continuation on Scar Symmetry.
Nevertheless it's a pitty to see Scar Symmetry slowly die.
Both new vocalists are a dissapointment, especially live.

I loved Per's soloing and Christian's vocals in SS.

Hopefully Solution will come to the Neths. soon.
Wouldn't mind watching them performing live :rock:
Well, not for this year's edition anymore, but I'd love to see Om Mani at the 2011 edition of PP Europe! It's the band of Hacride's "new" drummer, who also played with them at the PP gig last year and they're totally amazing! References: Hacride, Meshuggah, Textures etc...

Check them out at:

There's also a link there to a free download of their entire album! Just be aware that the zipfile that should contain the album actually doesn't, but you can still download the songs one by one. Very nice gesture from a truly impressive and progressive band.
Hey everyone some good bands on here I've listened to some. ProgPower looks like a very promising line-up this year. I wish I had the time to go to it but I'm very busy throughout this year :( ....

Check out my bands myspace. We have just signed with Intromental Management Worldwide.


We got 2 demos up but we're in the studio at the moment recording our full length debut album. Exciting times!

Let me know some thoughts people. Would be appreciated.