I discover Ulysses about six years ago, that was the year I joined the band :Smug: LOL.
Glad to see you read the posts, so we can't do the same lame joke twice![]()
Glad to see you read the posts, so we can't do the same lame joke twice
Ah the P3 show, that was a bit of a let down for the audience. As P3 promoted it as a metalfest.
So the Deathmetal enthusiasts were not really going for your sound, neither for Knight Area...
Ha ha, I can image that. I didn't know though. Sons of Seasons they were metal, we are a bit metal and prog and Knight Area is not really metal at all I guess. Well Knight Area played last year at Progpower, so basicly I think we rock a lot more![]()
Since there is shameless self-promotion going on here, who am I to stay behind?
Hé, what do you mean shameless :zombie: ? Shit man, you also must know that we live this music, the only reasons we have dayjobs is to be able to pay for our gear and stuff to do what we do best. Make music!![]()
By the way, heavy shit you guys make, I like
Obviously! Music is what makes us live(who cares about blood or air)! I was also referring to myself on the promotion matter. I've been handing out cd's of my band on PP2009!
Hé, what do you mean shameless :zombie: ?