Some "deathcore" action from the weekend.


Studio Scapegoat
Feb 13, 2007
Nottingham, UK
A track from a band we recorded last weekend. The band were all young guys who were all studio n00bs so we tracked the whole thing live with isolated cabs and minimal overdubs. No clicks. :) Amps used were an Engl Powerball & Mesa Double Rectifier. Bass was DI'd via a Sansamp BassDriver. Kick & snare have blended samples which were taken from the kit on the day.

The kick sample came out sounding pretty good, I think we'll be keeping that one for the future. :)

Her Blackened Entrails - AIDS
I just listen to it...It´s good! Vocals are more variable than Kataklysm´s. The Production is good, I especially like the lead guitar sound. Good job man:)

But the band needs the "certain it" the special. This death metal is sort of interchangeable..where´s the crazy Idea..the special Idea..the difference from other Bands who sound like this ?


I just listen to it...It´s good! Vocals are more variable than Kataklysm´s. The Production is good, I especially like the lead guitar sound. Good job man:)

But the band needs the "certain it" the special. This death metal is sort of interchangeable..where´s the crazy Idea..the special Idea..the difference from other Bands who sound like this ?



You tell me, I just work here. :heh: Give 'em credit for at least having riffs. Bands like Trigger The Bloodshed just bore me rigid.

Funnily enough the lead sound is exactly the same as the rhythm sound, we didn't touch anything on the amps. Just added a little reverb.
You tell me, I just work here. :heh: Give 'em credit for at least having riffs. Bands like Trigger The Bloodshed just bore me rigid.

Funnily enough the lead sound is exactly the same as the rhythm sound, we didn't touch anything on the amps. Just added a little reverb.

It sounds organic and real...I think it´s good:kickass: But they should find some unique element..something special. They are good on its Instruments, no question. The Engl is famous for great lead sounds..that´s a perfect example:headbang:
Yeah it's true what you say. The UK midlands area seems to spit a new deathcore band out every day at the moment. This band were from Leicester and they're the third band of their kind we've had through our doors. Nottingham is full of them as well and I don't know how they expect to compete when they all look the same, dress the same, sound the same, have the same illegible "black metal style" logo's....

I mean I know it's just a teenage fashion thing and I'm a boring, cynical old fart now but really I don't know what these kids expect.