some good Army training


Maiden fan since I was 9
Jul 31, 2004
Washington, USA
This Sunday, my unit went out to do some river assault training. We went with a tour company to do the familiarization part in dealing with rapids, and I thought I'd share a pic of it with you guys. You can see me and my sergeant in the front, and I'm the one with his mouth open barking orders. :D

rya's platoon.bmp

We had a blast. We also learned a lot, too, about our tactical capabilities. Personally, I realized that when assaulting another party in the river, it doesn't help to do a war cry while jumping in the water because you end up swallowing half the river.
How cool is that... My brother is in the reserves and just finished a 3 week thingy out here in Cali, now he is on his way back to Bowling Green, Ohio... He loves it
Cool! Did you get to "assault" anyone? :grin:

How did you like the Wenatchee? It would be fun to get a river trip going with some Maiden/Maidens fans. Maybe next time the Maidens come visit us here in the NW. I am a whitewater boater (been at it a loooong time-- "Eddieline" is the name of my raft) and would be glad to put something together.

This Sunday, my unit went out to do some river assault training. We went with a tour company to do the familiarization part in dealing with rapids, and I thought I'd share a pic of it with you guys. You can see me and my sergeant in the front, and I'm the one with his mouth open barking orders. :D

rya's platoon.bmp

We had a blast. We also learned a lot, too, about our tactical capabilities. Personally, I realized that when assaulting another party in the river, it doesn't help to do a war cry while jumping in the water because you end up swallowing half the river.
:lol: :lol::lol: That's so funny Rya! I guess that's the time for an internal war cry, eh?
In broad daylight, the element of surprise doesn't exist, so I thought I'd have some fun doing a Full Metal Jacket war cry. I ended up burping up river water for the next half hour, and to make things worse, I failed my objective. I'm just not a good swimmer in water with a decent current!
Cool! Did you get to "assault" anyone? :grin:

How did you like the Wenatchee? It would be fun to get a river trip going with some Maiden/Maidens fans. Maybe next time the Maidens come visit us here in the NW. I am a whitewater boater (been at it a loooong time-- "Eddieline" is the name of my raft) and would be glad to put something together.
I failed all my assault attempts. That's not a bad thing - it just lets me know that I am weak in this area, and knowing my weaknesses is a strength.

Wenatchee was fun. We did all the assaults in the calm areas, but there was still a good current. I was a bit disappointed with the white water - I was expecting it to be more challenging. I'm hoping to find a place that has more level 3s and a few level 4s.

I want to go back and take my wife. If you want to get together, let me know! 253-961-3020.