Some intronaut riffs, played badly


Cor blimey guv'nor
Nov 22, 2008
I've been messing around with my Pod XT, trying to get a decent tone from the JCM 900 amp sim.

After tonnes of EQ on the guitars to notch out all the horrible sounding fizz and hiss, I think I've managed to get it sounding fairly good. Now though, it just sounds a bit smooth and lifeless.

Any suggestions for improving the tone and mix of what I've got so far?

The pops and clicks started appearing after Windows 7 SP1 broke my M-Audio drivers. Haven't been able to fix that yet, but that's a separate issue...
Nice to see that more people like Intronaut. The bassline at the Literal Black Cloud's "atmospheric section" is not right, but it fits, so no problem there.
I'm not a very good finger bassist so I simplified the part on the 9th fret :) I just wanted to play something to get an idea of how well the mix sat together.