Some Latin Metal Bands


Feb 11, 2002
Instead of blowing up the forum with a ton of individual links I'll combine them in 1 thread.

From Bolivia - Querembas - CD: Pornocracia Style: Mix of symphonic metal/melodic Death


From Mexico - Agora CD: Regresa al vértigo Style: Progressive Power Metal


From Spain - Santelmo CD: El Alma Del Verdugo Style: Power Metal

From Chile: Sacramento CD: Weight of Sin Style: Heavy Metal (clean female vox, growling male vox)

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First one is no good for me and sounds cheap. Agora has a good bit of quality and deserves further investigation definitely with good vocals. Santelmo I know are an ok band but they need something a little more for me to lift them above the power metal norm. Sacramento I've never heard of and whilst the music is very good her vocals seem to not fit the music well at all IMO being far too thin and flat and she doesn't seem that into it. I like the riffs and crunchiness though and it reminds me a bit of Disturbed so might investigate it.
South America rules so hard for metal. Incredibly influential stuff. Chile especially is putting out some great stuff right now. Here are some good bands that folks on this forum might dig.


[ame][/ame] (black/thrash, harsh vocal alert)

[ame][/ame] (more harsh vocal alert, if you like thrash you'd like this)
old school style thrashy heavy metal from Brazil (with a fair share of Megadeth worship)...


and they will be performing in a few places throughout the eastern/midwestern U.S. including the Pathfinder MetalFest IV right here in Marietta, GA on July 7th.
Nota Profana, from Venezuela! Very good symphonic metal (and by symphonic, I mean, the whole goddamn band is a symphony orchestra!) If you're like me and are a total sucker for the "Sacred Worlds" style full symphony goodness, you need to hear this.

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Nota Profana, from Venezuela! Very good symphonic metal (and by symphonic, I mean, the whole goddamn band is a symphony orchestra!) If you're like me and are a total sucker for the "Sacred Worlds" style full symphony goodness, you need to hear this.

Wow. :worship: I'm a big fan of Therion and that has there influence written all over it. I'm definately going to be on the hunt for this one.