Some live footage of the Red Sparowes I shot

What?! How did I not hear about this? On a Saturday too! Damn, oh well. Red Sparowes own. Nice clips.
Right On. Let me know how it went and what you thought. The 2 friends I went with were really impressed, myself included. :notworthy

So how long did they play for? I'm planning on taking someone who isn't familiar with the band so this should be interesting...
So how long did they play for? I'm planning on taking someone who isn't familiar with the band so this should be interesting...

They played for about an hour and 15 min aprox. Didn't say a word to the crowd but they couldn't really as they had no mikes. ha.. Really good show though and the visuals really add a heightened sense of surrealism to the night.
Well, I ended up going and the Red Sparowes were great, just as expected. I thought the visuals were very cool and really added an interesting element to the show. The friend that tagged along with me left really impressed by the band and kept saying how incredible they were on the way home. Their was a mic on stage so the band did say a few kind words to the crowd, thanking them for coming etc. For a rainy Monday their was surprisingly a very good turnout for the show....probably between 250-300 people.