some Marshall t75 clippage

Lasse Lammert

HCAF Blitzkrieg
Feb 12, 2009
yeah, as I said in the other thread I'm having trouble getting great modern tones from the t75, it's by far my favorite for old school death meal though.
I'm loving the t75 in my Bogner cab...blended with the v30...
but the Marshall cab is just pretty boomy (in the room already).
well, inspired from Jocke I thought I'd give the Marshall cab another try...

the result is: I really like the aggressive character of the t75, but it kinda lacks the "urgency" of a v30.
also is this marshall Cab way boomier than the Mesa (multiband is needed).

anyways, here's a wee clip (no post EQ)


does this marshall cab in your opinion have potential for a modern tone also, or shall I stay away from it for that and just keep using it for old school death and thrash (which I think is what it's made for)?

EDIT: listening back to it I think it could need some brightening or I should have went close to the center with the mic....rather wooly how it's now.
should re-record that trying to move the mic .5 cm close to the center, don't have the time for that though, gonna try a light shelf on the high freqs instead.

EDIT2: here it is with a little high shelf on it:

t75 High Boost

EDIT3: this one had the mic(s) about 0.5-1 cm closer to the center.

t75-different pos

still digging the marshall cab in the rehearsal room, but the one I've got in the studio isn't really my favorite when it comes to micing tbh
While I'm a fan of dark sounding tones, it's a bit flat and lifeless in the high and upper mids to be honest (which you seem to have picked up on).
Interested to hear how it will sound with some brightening.
yeah, it sounds better with a 2-3dB boost around 2.5-3k and a shelveing EQ on the highs...
didn't really wanna "fix" with EQ though, so I didn't use that high mid boost...
gonna try again soon with the mic moved a bit closer to the center.

ah, fuck it, I'm gonna try that now
I think this sounds great. I've always kinda thought that v30's by default is the best thing since sliced bread, but mostly because most people just say so instead of actually using my ears and listen to the difference between different speaker types.
I'm going to start comparing different speakers in different cabs, and I'm not so sure that the v30s will be a clear cut winner anymore.
yeah, it sounds better with a 2-3dB boost around 2.5-3k and a shelveing EQ on the highs...
didn't really wanna "fix" with EQ though, so I didn't use that high mid boost...
gonna try again soon with the mic moved a bit closer to the center.

ah, fuck it, I'm gonna try that now

Nothing wrong with fixing it with EQ though.
If you perhaps recall a thread a little while back on dark guitar tones, many, like myself, prefer a darker tracked tone, and then the upper mids boosted back in later, as it seems to sound smoother.
If it sounds good, it sounds good, and boosting with an EQ later isn't wrong, it's just another way of doing it.
Nothing wrong with fixing it with EQ though.
If you perhaps recall a thread a little while back on dark guitar tones, many, like myself, prefer a darker tracked tone, and then the upper mids boosted back in later, as it seems to sound smoother.
If it sounds good, it sounds good, and boosting with an EQ later isn't wrong, it's just another way of doing it.

yeah I know, but I'm a fan of getting it on "tape" like I want it in the mix...When I'm reamping for someone else for example I don't wanna rely on him to know how to use EQ.
also, if I start EQ-ing one thing too much I'll have to make up for it on the other tracks to make them fit again...that leads to bending the entire mix.
I much prefer to just raise the faders and have my mix almost finished.
Also IME a sound gets only worse when I start EQing it...unless there's something wrong I wanna have fixed, than I EQ a lot of course.

just uploaded a version with a slightly different mic position.

t75-different pos
I dig it, a little dark, it could almost do with that shelf even after the mic adjustment. I can definitely see the cab being more suited to that old school sound you were talking about. Can't see it sounding too great on heavily downtuned stuff which I guess some people would say modern metal=downtuned.
I dig it, a little dark, it could almost do with that shelf even after the mic adjustment. I can definitely see the cab being more suited to that old school sound you were talking about. Can't see it sounding too great on heavily downtuned stuff which I guess some people would say modern metal=downtuned.

yeah, it absolutely kicks arse on thrashy stuff in standard tuning or perhaps in dropD.

Chaosphere and DHIADW prooved that these speaker can sound AWESOME for extremely downtuned stuff though.

although I get the feeling that the cab has an awful lot to do with it, both records have been recorded with really old marshall cabs...back then they still had proper wood back panels etc (the cabs from the last 20 years (or even 25) are just junk...especially the back panel).
So I guess it's more the cab than the speaker that's putting obstacles in my way...
I've got way less trouble getting a great sound from the t75 in the Bogner cab...still, wanted to try the marshall again.

btw, here's a clip I used it for...I think in that context it fits nicely

death metal

completely different kind of tone though....was actually using a metalzone to boost a recto for that one ;)
I quite like my T75's in my Marshall especially for stuff in standard or D standard tuning. They totally have that old scholl Thrash / Death metal tone. I call it the "Bay Area" sound. Pair it up with a killer JCM with a MXR Dist + in front and its instant mid 80s Exodus / Testament toneage!

I really like t75s for cleans as well, especially when paired with a strat with a single in the neck position. Just very smooth and fat.

My Marshall is a early 70s model. 1970 / 1971 transition. All birch, properly made. I LOVE this cab :)


Shes loaded with 2 v30s in the top and a G12-65 and t75 in the bottom. Just for some variety when recording.
I'm about to get one of those old cabs myself (along with an end-60ies JMP ;)
cannae wait to pick it up.

yeah, the cab really does make a difference, the new Marshall cabs are garbage compared to the old ones
I've a pretty new marshall 1960a....and I'm trying to use it as much as I can because in my opinion, the more you use it the more it sounds well.
Probably also the wood could improve the sound...I'm thinking to replace the back panel
Bump this thread!
I did some test too the last weekend...I miced my marshall cab with my ADK S7 (didn't spend too much time...I put the michropones aiming the junction (more or less) and I reamped.
It was not the right spot because the no-posprocessing sound was so dark, but it had the body and some potential into it.
Anyway I postprocessed the tracks with a little eq and a saturation (psp)