Some Microphone advice please...


Mar 9, 2009
I'm looking to get a couple of new mics. Overheads and a new kick mic most specifically.

Considering I'm a pair of C1000's and a D112(they belong to my drummer but they live here), what would offer me something different them?

£200 on a kick mic is my max. I guess it's a toss up between a D6 or a Shure Beta 52. I don't do a lot of metal, it's mainly rock/hard rock stuff I do. I generally replace kick, but I'd like to use some natural kick blended in with samples. The D112 is a bit boxy for that though.

I reckon I could push £300 on overheads, but that is my absolute top line. I've read so much great things about the Oktava stuff that I'm almost sold on them. My alternative would be the NT5's I guess.

Can anyone suggest alternatives in that price range?

Cheers for any responses guys :)
flux capacitor hahah! nice

well, I would have to recommend oktava over nt5 personally. that being said Im using studio projects c4s and I dont mind them at all.

never tried those 2 kick mics, but if you think D112 is too boxy, then maybe you would prefer the D6, the stuff Ive heard recorded with these sounds pretty scooped. Im using an ATM250 on kick/bass gtr but it is less than desireable
The Oktava MK012 and the Audio Technia ATM450 or AT4041 are all great OH mics on the cheap. You might also be able to find used Shure SM81s as well.

For a kick mic, I'd recommend an Audio Technica ATM25 (a la Terry Date - check EBay cuz it's discontinued) or the Heil PR30/PR40. Excellent kick mics that can be used on other stuff as well.
For what you want, the Beta52a is very good and versatile. I have one and a D6. The Audix is great but VERY specific.
For OHs, I'm in the same quest as you are. For me, Oktavas are impossible to find, so I'm looking for a more viable alternative, like the ATs or the Rodes.
Brazil man. It's hard to find audio stuff at a fair price here. Although I think I'd have to import them anyway... maybe. Plus, the Oktavas are more expensive (new).
E602 is awesome for rock kicks, and with a bit of eq also does good metal kicks(also it's pretty cheap). D6 is a bit of a one trick pony imo. Never liked the B52A tbh. As has also been said the ATM25 is also a great kick mic.

Oktava or ATM450's for overheads should do you nicely (personally I'm going to be picking up some ATM450's myself when I have some spare cash)
I think you should look into getting a pair of either KEL HM1s or HM2Ds. They're both phenomenal microphones, and they're not expensive at all.
As far as kick mics go, D6, Beta 52 are great. Pair one of those with a 91 and you're laughing.